About Christopher Chierchio: Community Contributor from Brooklyn, New York

Christopher Chierchio
2 min readNov 18, 2019


Christopher Chierchio is a proud member and servant of the Brooklyn, New York, community. Christopher has always felt that his community has taken care of him in his times of need, so he wants to ensure that he is able to make the same impact on someone else’s life. For more than a decade, Christopher has become increasingly involved in the improvement of his community through volunteering.

Christopher Chierchio and Son

For example, he is a strong supporter of the American Cancer Society, 9/11 Football League, and the NYC Department of Education. With the 9/11 Football League, Christopher has sponsored teams, providing gear to all players on the field. Mr. Chierchio has consistently made donations to parent-teacher associations through the NYC Department of Education. He believes that education is crucial to creating a strong foundation for the current generation of students to build upon, benefiting future generations and their surrounding communities.

A firm believer in a strong family, Christopher Chierchio enjoys spending time with his wife of over 21 years and his three inspiring children. He enjoys helping his children become learn and grow into better people as they get older. He instills in them a sense of giving and community love that he has learned himself throughout his life. Christopher cherishes every moment that he gets to spend with his loved ones. The moments joining each other around the dinner table are just as special as when they’re creating new memories in vacation destinations.

An avid traveler himself, Christopher Chierchio has brought his family to destinations like Italy, the Bahamas and Florida. However, he is also dedicated to helping travelers from near and far share in his love for New York City. His love for the city comes from the unique architecture and historical beauty. There are many historic landmarks located in downtown Manhattan, but he always reminds people that the other boroughs of New York City are worth seeing, as well. Staten Island, Queens, the Bronx, and Brooklyn also contain historic landmarks and hidden gems that offer a glimpse into what makes New York City special. It truly is one city built by many different communities, and each community is an important part of the city’s history and charm. Christopher wants to shed more light on the forgotten boroughs and spotlight their incredible beauty.

Though Christopher Chierchio loves NYC as-is, he is always looking for ways he can help improve the city and encourage others to do the same. As more and more people become invested in resolving social issues within their community, Christopher believes that this spark of interest will help propel communities forward towards a better and brighter future.

