4 Smart HVAC Maintenance Tips for Every Homeowner

3 min readSep 27, 2022



HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and, Air Conditioning) System is a basic need during all seasons in the United States of America. This system ensures that you are warm in the winters and cool in the summers. They also ensure that the indoor air quality of your home is safe for you and your family. Therefore, it is vital that you maintain your HVAC system in your home to avoid unwanted interruptions or surprises to your daily routine in extreme weather conditions.

The maintenance done on your HVAC systems by yourself are mostly preventive and proactive, i.e. to avoid costlier problems in the future. The best maintenance is a periodic one. Ensure that you have the maintenance plans that you follow periodically.

Following are some tips that you have to follow for effective HVAC maintenance,

Check the Condenser, Heat Pump, and Outdoor Unit:

The outdoor units, condenser, and heat pump can get particularly dirty since they are exposed to a lot of things like dust, debris, sunlight, etc. Sometimes growth in and around the unit can lead to inefficient heating, cooling, and exhaustion of air. This, in turn, might result in bigger issues and thereby put your health and comfort at risk.

A simple solution would be to keep them clean and crisp. Monitor the region around these units for any bushes, or growth that needs a trim. Do this immediately, and check the same regularly for the proper functioning of your HVAC system.

Ensure that there is no dirt or debris around or on the top of the outdoor units and system. Cleaning the condensers, heat pumps, and outdoor units using the garden hose or water with soap to get the gunk out. Make sure that the units are at a level so that the refrigerant flow is regulated. This way your unit works with the right efficiency.

Clean Your Filters

This might sound very obvious, but one of the most common reasons that your HVAC systems need a repair is because of dirty or clogged filters. Clean your filters every month, and change them every 90 days. If your filters are reusable, clean them with microfiber cloths and then use mild soap and water mixture. If not, get your filters at the nearest Leading HVAC companies in Denver.

Having a dirty filter would result in reduced air quality, increased energy bills, and reduced energy efficiency. Check your filters regularly and ensure they are clean.

Clean Drain Lines

The drain lines in your air conditioning system carry the moisture out of your indoor air in the form of condensed water. The drained water and moisture might form mold, and algae, along with the dirt and dust, that ultimately clogs the drain pipe. Therefore it is important to clean your drain lines now and then.

Remove your drain line and clean it with water, vinegar, and soap, and reinstall it again every month. If the line is infested beyond cleaning, it is easy to get a replacement.

Book Regular or Annual Professional Maintenance

You might think that booking for regular or annual maintenance might be an additional unwanted expense. But, when you compare the replacement and repair cost with repair cost, it is nothing but peanuts. Ensure that you have reminders set up periodically for maintenance. Or book an appointment with HVAC services in Denver, who can remind you and help you maintain your HVAC systems.

Following are some of the operations made by professional maintenance technicians:

  1. Coil Cleaning
  2. Cleaning/Replacing Air Filter
  3. Cleaning the drain lines
  4. Changing/Checking Refrigerant for leaks
  5. Checking for leaks in the HVAC system

For proper functioning and to avoid unwanted expenses with regard to your HVAC system, maintain them regularly. Don’t wait for your HVAC system to become faulty during the frost of the winter or the heat of the summer. Book an appointment with the best HVAC company in Denver, CO today and stop worrying!

