You Know What: Iron Man 2 is One of the Most Important Movies in the MCU

Christopher Rhodes
7 min readNov 8, 2019

“You Know What” is an ongoing series in which I reflect on popular culture, making the points that you may have missed, may disagree with, and maybe just don’t want to admit out loud.

I like Iron Man 2, a whole lot (*dodges shoe thrown at head*). As a matter of fact, I like it more than Iron Man 3 (*hit by other shoe; wakes up several hours later to finish article*) Yes, watching “Tony Stark: Action Hero” is very cool. But you know what’s cooler? “Tony Stark as Iron Man: Superhero”). Robert Downey, Jr. remains phenomenal as Tony Stark — perhaps the best casting in a superhero movie, and almost certainly the best since Christopher Reeve. Although I didn’t like my suspension of disbelief being challenged by the casting change for James Rhodes, Don Cheadle is a phenomenal actor and a better fit than Terrance Howard. I love Sam Rockwell’s hammy loser portrayal of Justin Hammer. Mickey Rourke’s Vanko is appropriately foreboding and creepy, and (even if Vanko should have died from Happy repeatedly ramming him with a car), the Monte Carlo fight scene — from the electric whips to the suitcase armor — is spectacular. Black Widow’s penchant for doing that leg grab flip move thing solidifies her as the fighter you don’t want to cross. Even the “Wonder Twin powers, activate” resolution to the big fight is kind of neat, and set up…



Christopher Rhodes

Dr. Christopher Rhodes is a Lecturer in Social Sciences at Boston University and an expert on religion, identity and politics.