Opinion┃Governor Ron DeSantis is a Bigger Threat to the United States Government Than Former President Trump, Here’s why
As many politicians, celebrities, and political commentators take their stance on who will be former president Trump’s biggest rival when running for the presidential race of 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis’ name is often brought up. With him completely obliterating the Florida Governor Race in 2022. It’s safe to say that he has a great chance of being the republican nominee of the 2024 race for the presidency, and if President Biden chooses to run again he has just as great of a chance at winning the presidency.
It’s easy to say that with Ron DeSantis’ public view, he is a lot more of a moderate as opposed to President Trump but this is simply not true. Governor DeSantis’ policies hurt the rights of the citizens of the United States even more than Former President Trump's. Ron DeSantis is not someone to be respected nor should he and his twisted policies be even for one second examined in a time where everyone should be for equality for all. Ron DeSantis is a man filled with hate and bigotry, and I would go as far as to say he is an existential threat to this country’s democracy, rights of citizens, and freedom as we know it.
Ron DeSantis Infamous Anti-LGBTQ “Don’t Say Gay” Law-
In the spring of 2022, Governor DeSantis signed into law his “Don’t Say Gay” bill which took effect the following summer on July 1, 2022. This law states that “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” This may seem reasonable but terms such as “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” are terms not defined in law. This means that even showing books with gay or trans characters can also be prohibited by law. This in itself is completely unconstitutional and wrong in every way imaginable. Not giving LGBTQ kids a safe space to talk about their sexual orientation or their gender identity is extremely harmful to society and we as a nation must stand up against this hatred and bigotry.
Banning AP African American Studies in Schools-
One of Ron DeSantis’ most controversial moments was banning the teachings of Critical Race Theory, and expansion of Black History in Schools. The original course was split into four units: Origins of the African Diaspora; Freedom, Enslavement and Resistance; the Practice of Freedom; and Movements and Debates. After criticism from Ron DeSantis, the college board revised a new placement course that excluded much of the subject matter including black Feminism, activists and authors who have supported or wrote about Critical Race Theory in the past, and many more subjects that upset him. We should not as a society tolerate this pure racism. We should be allowed to have these uncomfortable conversations on black history in America as they are true and many of these problems still hold up today. The only way change is gonna happen is if we confront them.
Ron DeSantis has made numerous statements and taken actions that indicate his attitude of hatred and bigotry towards certain people and topics. He has demonstrated a lack of acceptance towards those who may look, think, or act differently than him, calling out people and groups for their beliefs. He has used inflammatory language and stereotypes in an attempt to vilify or discredit people and groups, attacking their character rather than engaging in meaningful discourse. As such, his actions have left many feeling intimidated and threatened by this hateful rhetoric, further promoting a culture of prejudice and division. If he became president this country would be torn to pieces. These are just some of the many reasons why I believe he’s worse and even more of an existential threat to this country and its democracy than former President Trump.