Christopher Morton
1 min readFeb 5, 2017


Hi Tucker,

I want to explain something very basic to you.

You are not a liberal. You are a marxist.

The entire basis of your position, as seen in your first three sections, is that there exists inequality in the world, and we should apply force to fix it. You want to use whatever system of power you can grasp in order to force equality of outcome. This is illiberal, I would even go so far as to say this is evil.

A liberal supports individual freedom, equality of opportunity, you know, ‘liberal principles’. You seem to support, like many so-called ‘progressives’, totalitarianism in the pursuit of what you consider a better world. Your world-view is that of Stalin or Mao.

You are the reason people are fleeing the left in droves. You and your kind are both factually wrong and morally reprehensible, and I happily await they day when your poisonous mindset dies out for good.

