13 min readDec 23, 2016

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling (2016)

As with the modern Europeans, the world historical contagion of subjectivism, relativism and irrationalism in the realm of politics and economics is deeply rooted among French Canadians like Pierre-Basile Mignault: “Nations are individuals: I will always maintain this analogy.”¹ From whence comes this disease of modern unreason in contemporary world history? “All things that exist being particulars … every man’s reasoning and knowledge is only about the ideas existing in his own mind.”² Thus, the world does not exist according to John Locke, while the universe is appearance and delusion. This, of course, is the opposite of the teaching of Cartesius.³

The French Revolution brought to prominence the modern unreason of Kant, Hume, Leibniz and Locke and unleashed the sophistical distemper of the philosophes upon European politics and economics: “The statesmen of the French Revolution roused their fellow countrymen to the most astounding military efforts by announcing that France would compel all other nations to be free in the same sense as herself. Under Napoleon I, and more obscurely under his nephew, Napoleon III, France aspired to impose her suzerainty by force of arms upon the whole of Western Europe.”⁴ “Diderot, Rousseau, and Voltaire, greatly influenced the leaders of the French Revolution.”⁵

Francophone Canadians, like other inhabitants of the New World, were not immune to the contagion of modern European Raison d’État: “France has the greatest laws and jurisprudence in the world … despite its perversions, the Napoleonic Code is actually the most beautiful and grandiose achievement of the almighty Napoleon Bonaparte.”⁶ Shall we forget to mention the Québec Regime in Ottawa and Empire of Paul Desmarais? Not at all, dear reader. Paul Desmarais was an “expert on Napoleon Bonaparte,” and was in “many ways himself a driven man” like the Emperor of France: As the warlord Napoleon, Desmarais always sought “new ways to expand his power.”⁷

… The catalog of the monstrous political and economic crimes of the Québec Regime in Ottawa and Empire of Paul Desmarais cannot be summarized with complete certainty until the Government of Canada makes the archives of Trudeau, Mulroney, Chrétien and Martin known to the public. But it is important that we should form a provisional judgement of the historical nature of the Québec Regime in Ottawa and Empire of Desmarais from such material as is available. For this step is a necessary phase in the renovation of our political and economic institutions and the aggrandizement of Canada and the Canadian People: Only by this insight into the political and economic necessity of such a recovery can our civilization be rescued from the shameful financial, commercial and industrial decay in which we are immersed at the present time.


1. “J’ai comparé les nations aux individus, je vais continuer à le faire.” Pierre-Basile Mignault, L’Administration de la justice sous la domination française: Conférence faite devant l’Union Catholique, le 9 février 1879, 119.

See: “[Pierre–Basile Mignault] is now chiefly remembered for his monumental treatise Le droit civil canadien which is still cited as an authority in Québec courts … Many of his judgements, written in French and English, are considered authoritative statements on the civil law in Canada.”

John E.C. Brierley, “Pierre–Basile Mignault,” The Canadian Encyclopedia, 1st edition, vol. 2, James Harley Marsh, editor, Edmonton, Hurtig Publishers, 1985, 1130–1131.

2. John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 1690.

John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, New Edition, 2 vols., New York, 1824, I/381–II/203. [1690]

See: “Locke was heavily involved in the slave trade, both through his investments and through his administrative supervision of England’s burgeoning colonial activities … The attempt to reconcile Locke’s involvement in the slave trade with his reputation as a philosopher of liberal freedom has a long history, beginning shortly after the abolition of the slave trade … Locke’s readers are faced with the problem of how he could have been so intimately involved in promoting an activity that he apparently knew to be unjustified … We are disturbed by the ease with which some commentators excuse Locke of racism or minimize its significance … to advocate, administer, and profit from a specifically racialized form of slavery is clear evidence of [Locke’s] racism, if the word is to have any meaning at all.”
Robert Bernasconi and Anika Maaza Mann, “The Contradictions of Racism: Locke, Slavery, and the Two Treatises,” Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy, Andrew Valls, editor, Ithaca/London, 2005, 89–89–90–91–91.

3. Cartesius: “Ego cogito, ergo sum, sive existo … ea enim est natura nostrae mentis, ut generales propostiones ex particularium cognitione efformet.”

Cartesius, “Secundæ Responsiones,” Œuvres de Descartes: Meditationes de Prima Philosophia, vol. 7, Charles Adam & Paul Tannery, éditeurs, Paris, 1904, 140–141.

How very clear and distinct are the ideas of Cartesius, coming from his very own hand, although his best translators are also clear and distinct, but less clear and less distinct than the very words of Cartesius himself, as found in his very greatest works, since his Latin is now a dead language, while his modern interpreters fail to elucidate the rational foundations of their sophistical critiques.

See: “The conception of a noumenon is problematical … the conception of a noumenon is therefore not the conception of an object, but merely a problematical conception … my existence cannot be considered as an inference from the proposition, ‘I think,’ as Descartes maintained.”
Immanuel Kant, “The Critique of Pure Reason,Great Books of the Western World: Kant, John Miller Dow Meiklejohn, translator & Robert Maynard Hutchins, editor in chief, Chicago, 1960, 106–106–127.

See also: “The concept of the noumenon is problematical … the concept of the noumenon is not therefore the concept of an object, but only a problem … the so–called syllogism of Cartesius, cogito, ergo sum, is in reality tautological.”
Immanuel Kant, Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Commemoration of the Centenary of Its First Publication, vol. 2, Friedrich Max Müller, translator, London, 1881, 249–250–308.

See finally: “In Descartes’ method of establishing the subjectivity of sense–perception, we have extreme idealism on the one hand and a vague sensationalism on the other … He who would know the philosophy of our times must first well learn the philosophy of Kant.” John Paul Ashley, Apriorism from Descartes to Kant, Boston, 1894, 21–73.

4. Frank Morgan & Henry William Carless Davis, French Policy Since 1871, London, Oxford University Press, 1914, 4.

5. William Thomas Jones, “Age of Reason,” World Book Encyclopedia, vol. 1, Chicago, 1971, 130b.

See: “By the time of World War I, the idea that all people were equal had gained influence in many nations through democracy and socialism. As a result, the role of aristocracies in government declined sharply.” Alexander J. Groth, “Aristocracy,” World Book Encyclopedia, vol. 1, Chicago, 1992, 662.

6. “Aucun pays ne possède une littérature légale comparable à celle de la France … Ce code [le code Napoléon], malgré ses défauts, est aujourd’hui le plus beau titre de gloire du grand homme dont il porte le nom.” Pierre-Basile Mignault, “Préface,” Le Droit civil canadien basé sur les “Répétitions écrites sur le code civil” de Frédéric Mourlon avec revue de la jurisprudence de nos tribunaux, Tome 1, Montréal, 1895, v.

7. See: “An expert on Napoleon Bonaparte, Desmarais is in many ways himself a driven man who cannot stop looking for new ways to expand his power.” Sheila McLeod Arnopoulos, Voices from French Ontario, Kingston and Montreal, 1982, 157.

See also: “It is the soldier who founds a republic and it is the soldier who maintains it.” Napoleon Bonaparte in Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher, Bonapartism: Six Lectures Delivered in the University of London, Oxford, 1908, 33–34.

See also: “Canada is my country. Quebec is my province.” Paul Desmarais in Ross Marowits, “Canadian Business Giant Desmarais Dead at 86,” Global News, 9 October 2013.

See finally: “Desmarais has been called the most powerful businessman in Canada, gaining the ear of Pierre Trudeau, Paul Martin, Brian Mulroney and Jean Chretien.” Ibidem.


Sheila McLeod Arnopoulos, Voices from French Ontario, (Kingston/Montreal: McGill–Queen’s University Press, 1982).

Robert Bernasconi and Anika Maaza Mann, “The Contradictions of Racism: Locke, Slavery, and the Two Treatises,” Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy, Andrew Valls, editor, (Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press, 2005), 89–107.

Renatus Cartesius, “Secundæ Responsiones,” Œuvres de Descartes: Meditationes de Prima Philosophia, vol. 7, Charles Adam & Paul Tannery, éditeurs, (Paris: Léopold Cerf, 1904), 128–159.

William Thomas Jones, “Age of Reason,” World Book Encyclopedia, vol. 1, Chicago, 1971, 130b.

John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, New Edition, 2 vols., (New York: Valentine Seaman, 1824). [1690]

Ross Marowits, “Canadian Business Giant Desmarais Dead at 86,” Global News, 9 October 2013.

Pierre–Basile Mignault, “Préface,” Le Droit civil canadien basé sur les “Répétitions écrites sur le code civil” de Frédéric Mourlon avec revue de la jurisprudence de nos tribunaux, Tome 1, (Montréal: Whiteford & Théoret, Éditeurs Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1895), v–xii.

Frank Morgan and Henry William Carless Davis, French Policy Since 1871, (London: Oxford University Press, 1914).


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©2016 & 2017 Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Paul Desmarais and the Quebec Régime in Ottawa 1968–2006. All rights reserved. This work is only for Medium and its users: Users are not permitted to mount this writing on any network servers. No part of this writing may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the author, except for reading and browsing via the World Wide Web.

