5 min readNov 11, 2018

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling (2018)

The most profitable areas of globalization in the coming post–NAFTA and post–BREXIT decade are destined to develop around the United States of America and the Asia Pacific region: The political and economic complexifications of the financial, commercial and industrial evolution of globalization, are inscribed within the determinations of the powerful world historical dynamic of the 21st century computational and technological conjuncture. The most profitable areas of globalization in the coming post–NAFTA and post–BREXIT decade are therefore destined to revolve around emergent business structures.

The rational conceptualization of the world historical dynamic of these emergent computational and technological structures of the coming business cycle is itself therefore a political and economic dimension of the rise of American finance, commerce and industry in the Global world: The notion of these emergent business structures as world historical centers of profit therefore applies only to the United States of America and the Asia Pacific region. Beyond their center of gravity, these rational conceptions of Americanism are void of marrow.


The clash of titanic political and economic forces between Europe and Asia, unleashed by the decomposition of the Soviet Empire, means that European civilization is convulsed in great reformation, a process of equilibrium and calibration which promises to engulf most of the 21st century. Never before in the history of the world has European humanity ever experienced such an eventuality: Europe and Western Asia around the Ural mountain range are forming into one geopolitical entity, in the world historical dynamism of Globalism, as the rational planetization of Americanism.

European civilization is convulsed in great reformation, a process of equilibrium and calibration which promises to engulf most of the 21st century: The power struggles between northern and southern Europe are intensified by the potent schisms between western and eastern Europe. These persistent and long lasting fractures mean that Europe is not the profit center of 21st century world civilization. Business plans in forty league boots do not cast world historical determinations aside, but they themselves are engulfed in the floodtide of history.

The west coast of Canada, while not located within the center of profit zone, nevertheless is within the periphery of the US–Asia Pacific region, and therefore will be exposed to financial, commercial and industrial dynamism. The economic heartland of Canada is far beyond the periphery, and greatly retarded by the divisions between western and eastern Canada, as well as between Toronto and Montréal in the power struggles between Ontario and Québec: The last half century of wasted potential, in the light of the new conjuncture, means that their retardation is greatly amplified, and which, when combined with the European situation, means that their erstwhile financial, commercial and industrial power is slowly and inexorably shifting to the west coast of Canada. The eastern establishmentarians cannot simply move the bulk of their interests westwards because they do not possess the computational and technological power to resist the encroachments of California. On the west coast of Canada, the backwards cartels, outdated monopolies and corrupt trusts of the hydraulic ruling class cannot compete against the rise of Americanism in the coming post–NAFTA and post–BREXIT decade. The degenerate ruling class of Laurentian elites is already engaged in a life and death struggle at home, against the rising computational and technological power of Americanism in eastern Canada.

The eastern establishmentarians can only slash taxes and increase infrastructure spending, which will mostly benefit the living standards of the west coast, but decrease much needed services in central and eastern Canada, as well as increase federal public debt, repayment of which falls mostly on the shoulders of Ontarians: Their political and economic problems will therefore be compounded, especially because the tax base on the west coast is not substantial when compared to rising federal requirements. The standard of living will therefore increase on the west coast, while decreasing in central and eastern Canada, because buying power is vastly increased in the periphery of the US–Asia Pacific region. The GDP of the west coast will increase, but the main beneficiaries will be American and Asian finance, commerce and industry in Canada (which employs many Western Canadians), but not the the backwards cartels, outdated monopolies and corrupt trusts of the hydraulic ruling class. Federal taxation authorities, under the thumbs of the eastern establishment, are impotent in the face of Uncle Sam and the Asians, for in the first case their élites smart under tariffs which harm their main industries, but which hardly touch the vested interests of the west coast, and secondly, they run from the Asians, in mortal fear for their health. The same remarks hold good of the effete and mortally corrupt Dieselgate aristocracy of Eurocentric Eurocracy.

The standard of life on the west coast is dramatically increasing, while GDP is moderately on the rise, — all of which greatly benefits residents of the Lower Mainland and the Fraser Valley. In the coming decades, this ground will become increasingly fertile for American and Asian finance, commerce and industry in Canada, which is preparing the political and economic power transition towards the Western Establishment. This bipolar transition will continue during the 21st century, until the Western Establishment is the dominant ruling class in Canada, under the supremacy of Americanism in the world.


The ascendancy of the Trump revolution, which promises to continue unabated because of increasing Republican hegemony on the US Supreme Court, especially after the Senate results of the 2019 US Midterm Elections, has profoundly transformed American political economy, especially regarding the Asia Pacific region: Chinese finance, commerce and industry is slowly becoming more rationalized, in the sense that a Free Trade Agreement between Washington and Peking is a move toward greater rational political and economic order, which greatly benefits the United States of America and the Asia Pacific region, — as well as the periphery, although to a lesser degree. Obviously the small American Idealists are not very pleased with this turn of electoral events. President Trump’s tariffs are beneficial to the vast reorganization of Global American finance, commerce and industry unchained by the Digital Revolution of the first decade of the 21st century: The USMCA is a massive shift in North America toward alignment with the new political and economic direction of world history. President Trump is the first truly great 21st century American Idealist: The rational planetization of Globalism is therefore well under way. From out of the White House, Washington and Wall Street, arises the new American ruling class of the Trump Revolution, powerfully in control of the 21st century computational and technological conjuncture, as the supremacy of Americanism in the world.

To be continued …

©2018 Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, PostNAFTA and PostBREXIT Globalization: Emergent Business Structures of the Computational and Technological Conjuncture. All rights reserved. This work is only for MEDIUM and the MEDIUM CORPORATION and its users: Users are not permitted to mount this writing on any network servers. No part of this writing may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the author, except for reading and browsing via the World Wide Web.

We wish to thank our benefactors over the years for their goodwill: Humanity benefits greatly from the rise of Americanism in the world.

