Christopher Wink
1 min readJan 7, 2016


I love this Sean Blanda and think it’s really important. One way I -try- (yes, try because I fall into this trap like anyone) to avoid this is to employ empathy — treat others as I want to be treated. I do want to be heard out. I do want to be valued, but I also do like to share perspective. So I try to do that.

Also, a small quibble: don’t conflate those who want stricter gun control strictly with those who don’t own guns. The vast majority of Americans -do- want background checks* (maybe something resembling our driver’s license system) and that includes many gun owners. (A few of my childhood friends who are gun owners are among the most frustrated by the lack of gun control because it makes their own hobbies and culture seem more backward than they deem it)

  • Source below.

Thanks for sharing and keep writing like the good old days!



Christopher Wink

Journalist, entrepreneur, #opengov enthusiast: @technicallyM cofounder, @technical_ly and @generocity publisher. I share links and look for sources.