From Zero To Something You Want

Christos Angelopoulos
3 min readJul 15, 2022


From zero to something you want” is a self-story where I share the lessons I learn from my experiences.

Why zero?

No, we are not all born equal, unfortunately, this is not the case. No matter where you are in your life right now, if you are reading this, it means you have decided to change your life! The past is the past and it is not useful. It is useful because it is about you, about your history, a past cannot be thrown away. On the other hand, spending your time complaining about your mistakes by looking at what happened before, will not help you in any way to move forward.

Zero is symbolic above all. You are not zero and you never will be.

Future articles will be chapters in the series I am proposing, they aim to share lessons that can be applied to you as a person and are not related to your business! How many headlines have you read with the word “millionaire” in them? What was the article about? Most likely a one-time situation that cannot be copied or a situation that requires skills you do not have.

Why “to something you want”?

The “Zero to something you want” series is about improving yourself as a human being in every way to achieve your goals. Whether it’s becoming a millionaire, developing skills, creating habits, improving relationships. Whatever you can think of, it is all achievable!

The lessons are not tied to a specific area or subject, they apply to everyone, no matter what your background or history. There is always room in your being to make improvements and become a better version of yourself every day!

What will the “Zero to something you want” series do for me?

The series I propose will help you in many ways!

- See the world from a different perspective

- Bring a touch of positivity into your life

- Move forward together to achieve our goals

- Become a better person

- Make your dreams come true

- To be happy

- To be an entrepreneur

- To move forward in your life!

Why am I writing this now?

The most honest answer is that I love to write and I am a very emphatic person. I would like through sharing to spread positivity, self-improvement and help anyone who decides to cross their paths with my story.

I am determined to succeed, I always have been. I want to keep a record of what it takes to be yourself and the sacrifices you have to make to achieve a dream, a goal.

You are not alone in your difficulties, we are together and I hope that through my story, we will create a better version of ourselves together!

I wish you a great day,

See you soon for chapter 1.





Christos Angelopoulos

I will prove that you can become a better you ! We will grow together !