Christo Taiwan
2 min readOct 16, 2015

給所有卷髮的女孩們~更多在秋天適用的小技巧 (2):

  • 最基本的重點就是 讓設計是給妳一個完善的修剪,這可以讓卷髮的層次與特有的質感表現得更突出!
  • 不要每天都使用洗髮精去清潔妳的頭髮,太多的清潔流程會造成髮質的傷害,非常的容易流失掉可以讓卷髮保持健康與光澤。
  • 護髮!!! 使用妳喜愛的 Curlisto 潤絲與護髮產品 ,妳會越來越愛妳的卷髮。經常的潤絲與護髮,可以保持頭髮的柔軟與高保濕度,也就是讓卷髮時常處於更容易整理的狀態。

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給所有卷髮的女孩們~更多在秋天適用的小技巧 (2)

給所有卷髮的女孩們~更多在秋天適用的小技巧 (3)

原文對照:Fall Tips For ALL Curly Girls:

- A good hair cut for the texture of your curls is key.

- Do not shampoo every day. Too much shampooing will result in harsh texture and strip curly hair out of super important oils that keep it shiny and healthy.

- Condition! Use your favorite Curlisto conditioner and your curls will love you forever! Hair that is regularly conditioned results in soft, moisturized curls that will be easier to manage.