My chubster son eating my arm.

The pursuit of goals is HARD, that’s why few do it.

Chris Turcotte
3 min readSep 30, 2020


My wife and I were talking yesterday and she made a comment that perception is everything when it comes to the content I put out. That maybe I make it look easier than it is and that if people only knew that I get tired, frustrated and work way more than even you guys see…they’d maybe get a different picture.

It got me thinking this morning on my drive in…. do I want this to look easy? No, I never have. In fact, quite the opposite, I WANT you guys to see or at least get a sense that this is HARD.

Two brands

Two teams

Two kids

Two major roles: husband and father.

On top of that, me. My health and goal of ‘This Is 40’ and the planning and discipline that comes with it.

This is HARD.

There’s plenty of days when that alarm goes off that I don’t wanna get up. I’m tired, sore from the workouts and it’s SO damn early. No one is up, if I slept an hour longer most people STILL wouldn’t be up…

The drive is long on a highway where everyone goes 130kms minimum in the morning and I’m tired at the wheel.

The dedication to my planner so that I can maximize my time is a part time job for most.

The kids are young and need a full time eye on them so they can’t hurt themselves or break something. Not the easiest task after I’ve been at it for 12+ hours and then I’m just starting my time with them.

Oh, and that’s after a crippling workout usually at the 12 hour mark of my day.

None of its easy… there’s plenty of times I’m not happy about the next task I’m about to start. It’s not suppose to be easy though, if it were, everyone would have this life.

But it’s just like exercise. You don’t wanna start but the second you do something clicks and then you’re loving it. K, you’re not always loving it but you know you’ll be fine. I could easily just let a few goals go, say maybe my fitness, and free up some time to ease up…

But that’s not me, I don’t want to.

The funny thing about discipline is that even when you don’t wanna, you do it anyway. So ya, there’s gonna be grumbling sometimes, I’m gonna complain, but that’s the cost of discipline. The alternative is be like everyone else and just live day to day and not have the goals I have.

No thanks

I complain more sometimes because I’m doing so much more. I do it though because I absolutely love my life, love what I do and THAT’s what makes me get up and start the next part of my day. If you want it, you’ve got to do it regardless of how you feel. Just like any muscle, it’ll adapt to the workload and be strong enough to handle it soon. That’s growth 💪🏼

No one cares about your excuses, no one. Your goals, your dreams, they’re daring you to quit and never pursue them.

I love my wife and I appreciate the comment last night. I need to do a better job of shaking off the fatigue of the day and be in the moment I’m in. I’m not always gonna get it right but one thing you can count on, I’ll be there again the next time determined to be better.

And that’s the best gift life gives us. That everyday is an opportunity to be 1% better than the day you were before.



Chris Turcotte

President of Centum Financial Group Motivator and RPM Canada, Motivator + Goal Crusher. Business, husband, dad. Vancouver 🇨🇦 Instagram: @christurcotte_