Ugh, Why Would I Ever Want to Feel This?

It’s the Right Thing for the Moment

Christy Waltz


“When you become quiet, you let yourself relax into your true nature. When this happens, you realize you cannot avoid any part of your experience.

If you are looking for quietness to help you avoid some feeling, then you are not going to experience the real quietness. The nakedness of quiet disarms you so that you can’t avoid any experience, any event, anything.” ~Adyashanti.

Whoever said “the truth hurts” wasn’t kidding. It doesn’t always hurt. But it definitely can.

The question is, do you run from the truth when it starts to sting?

Who doesn’t, right?

But have you ever tried not running from a painful moment or feeling?

You know — not distracting yourself, not resisting it, not blaming someone else, not retreating into your thoughts and stories about it — but just letting it in? Just facing it and relaxing into it?

Letting yourself fully feel the hurt of it?

It’s definitely not the easiest or most popular approach to a painful moment or experience. But it is the one that will put you most in touch with yourself and ultimately allow you to pass through the pain, instead of shelving it.

After you do this a few times, you realize that it doesn’t kill you, that you can open yourself up even to moments like these — and that you have less baggage to carry around as a result.

Here’s a related note from my book, Notes to Self: Meditations on Being:

It’s The Right Thing For The Moment

What’s the reality of this moment?
Feel it.
Just a moment of feeling what is —
without the idea that it is off
in some way… that some part of it
shouldn’t be happening.
Let come what may, never doubting
that it is the right thing for
the moment.
That does not mean it’s the right
thing for every moment… but the
remaining moments will take care of

Originally published at



Christy Waltz

Watching life unfold in amused bewilderment. Exploring how to be truly free. Author of Notes to Self: Meditations on Being.