Chris Woodhouse
1 min readNov 20, 2016



Firstly — thanks so much for taking the time to put this guide together, I had tried reading others and this was the one that made it all click and eventually I now have a full home media server :)

For info i have RaspPi 2 connected via Ethernet and with a 2TB (non powered) drive plugged into its USB port.

One question I would like to ask… once all my files were indexed etc. I checked that they were all being shared properly by testing on multiple devices, and they were working brilliantly. Later on that evening (5 hours later) I tried to access a video again and It wasn’t noticing my files… so here is what I checked:

  • Checked the Pi was on the network by pinging it. it was.
  • Checked hard drive light was on. it was.
  • Checked whether the drive was mounted. IT WASN’T….

I am guessing that perhaps the External HD lost power, or went into sleep mode maybe? A quick ‘sudo reboot’ worked and due to the fact it is set to auto-mount, it was all back up and running… but less than ideal if the HD drops out every few hours.

Wondering if there is some kind of command that would detect HD activity, and restart/remount if it detects its lost power or fallen asleep?

  • on a side note, is it possible it is happening because it is an unpowered drive?

If you could help or anyone, let me know, thanks!

