Chrome Knights
3 min readMay 7, 2022

Let me start off by saying that this is not an updated white paper, this is just some updated ideas, concepts and changes revolving around our initial white paper. Lets call it White Paper 1.5.

Chrome Knights mint.

Prior to our mint we made a decision to cut the supply in half and also to lower the mint price from 8N, which we were planning to set, down to 5N. This has obviously resulted in having less funds than was initially planned and therefore some financial changes to the white paper and utilities were have to be made. We came up with a few different ideas, but we believe that the one we are about to present makes the most sense. So, here it is!

The concept remains the same: We are planning to create the most exciting P2E game on $NEAR which will be connected with the tokens received from staking. But the way we will approach it is a bit different.
We are 100% certain that our most powerful and unique utility is the game, not staking.
Therefore, the bigger part of funds received from mint will be spend on the game development. I cant say the exact number right now, but it will take approximately 70–80% of the mint money. It is still might not be enough for the game to be the way we want it to be, but will be enough for some demo versions.

With the 20–30 percent that will be left, we will still have to pay some amount to the team and spend some amount on marketing. Therefore, some changes with the token concept have to be made.

$CHRM 1.5

At first there will be no liquidity pool for $CHRM.

Of course, we could use the remaining 5–10% for the LP, but this will make the coin very unstable and will make no sense.

Therefore, you will be receiving $CHRM tokens for staking, which you will not be able to trade to USDT… at the beginning. That’s where the GEN1 mint comes into play👀

By staking your Gen0 Knights you will be able to accumulate $CHRM which can be used for multiple things: raffles of some blue chip nfts, WL giveaways, In Game things (better explained in the original white paper), 1/1 auctions and some other stuff. Also this token will play a part in minting GEN1 (more details tba, but you better save some $CHRM up)

After the Gen1 mint $CHRM will have a liquidity pool, which will mostly consist of the funds from the Gen1 mint. Therefore, staking your knight right now you will have a choice either to spend $CHRM on some useful stuff, or accumulate to swap to $NEAR later on.

The GEN1 knights collection will be bigger and will bring more eyes on our project. You will also be able to stake your Gen1 knights, however GEN0 knights returns will ALWAYS be the highest. Our main goal is to benefit our day 1 holders, so don’t worry, you, guys, will always get the best in our project!

There is no ETA on Gen1 mint right now as we need to get more eyes on us before that and show what we are capable of. We also don’t want to set no ETAs on our game release, but best believe we are working hard.

After staking releases, we will provide some 1/1 auctions and with our artist being as talented as he is, we are hoping to make some noise on the 1/1 arena which will hopefully lead to people joining our squad.

Future is bright

We are 100% certain that this decision will lead us to long term success and will turn out to be the only right one. We will be adding more and more utilities for $CHRM every week, so stay tuned! Also we plan on releasing a roadmap in the next couple of days which will show rough timelines of our plans, so be sure, the future is bright⚔️