XNL has landed — Chronicle releases updates to excite crypto, NFT & brand fans alike

New platform features include full XNL integration, NFT burns, and more!

5 min readJun 17, 2022

Chronicle has been busy working away on its roadmap, building further advanced features to its flagship fan-friendly digital collectibles NFT platform.

In an exciting announcement, effective immediately, Chronicle users can now deposit XNL to their Chronicle accounts, allowing new possibilities.

The full list of platform updates and new features includes:

  1. Users can now deposit XNL to their Chronicle wallet in addition to USDC. Note that all XNL deposits are performed on the Aurora network, whilst USDC continues to operate on ERC-20.
  2. XNL can be used as a method of payment on NFT purchases where the specified price is set to XNL.
  3. Users looking to sell collectibles on the secondary market now have a choice of whether they want to receive XNL or USDC.
  4. NFT burn feature implemented where Chronicle can burn unsold remaining NFTs to incentivise further sales and decrease supply, thereby increasing rarity of sold NFTs for collectors.
  5. Coupon code feature enabled for future discounts in the store.

XNL Integration

XNL Deposits

After performing verification and KYC, Chronicle users will now see both USDC and XNL balances in their user profile after signing in.

XNL holders are encouraged to deposit XNL to their Chronicle wallets. XNL holders will benefit from specific individual drops and collections available only to XNL holders, as well as rewards and further incentives.

In the future, staking programs will be run through the Chronicle application.

NOTE: Your XNL deposit address is on the Aurora network. XNL deposits *MUST* be performed on the Aurora network. Your address will also only support XNL. Failure to be on the correct network will result in a loss of funds.

Users will find XNL balances added to their Chronicle wallet. XNL deposits are made via the Aurora network, whilst USDC deposits continue to be made via ERC-20 (Ethereum).
Upon successful deposit, and after 10 network confirmations, the balance will appear in your account. You’ll also receive an in-app notification when the deposit has been made.

Users can now make purchases on the platform for NFTs sold on the Chronicle store that are available in XNL. Users can also set their collectibles for sale on the secondary market and can choose to receive XNL instead of USDC.

Chronicle users looking to deposit XNL will also soon find that they are eligible for rewards such as NFT gifts and XNL rewards.

Note that the same withdrawal limits as USDC also apply to XNL. A sale must satisfy a short waiting period before a user can withdraw their funds.

Transferring XNL on Aurora

To transfer funds from ERC-20 to Aurora please use the NEAR Rainbow bridge available at https://rainbowbridge.app/

For additional help on adding the Aurora EVM to Metamask please visit https://aurora.dev/start

Paying for collectibles with XNL

Users can make purchases with their XNL on the Chronicle store and secondary market where a collectible’s preferred currency has been set to XNL.

Example only: An ICEE NFT is for sale in USDC, with a Penn & Teller Fooler Card available for purchase via XNL.

Just like in the case with USDC, after paying for an item in XNL the user’s balance will be used to make the purchase and the updated balance will reflect this difference after the purchase has been made.

Accepting XNL on Secondary Market

Users now have a choice of what currency they would like to receive for their NFT collectibles — either USDC or XNL.

When placing the collectible for sale, each user can also edit their existing listings if they decide to receive XNL instead of USD, or vice versa.

In Step 2 of a listing, users can select “XNL” from the currency drop down to select their price. By default the currency is always set to USDC.

XNL Withdrawals

Users can withdraw XNL to any compatible address on the Aurora network. Chronicle will cover the cost of your transaction.

Withdrawals can be made on deposits and sales after a period of 14 days. Given the increasing number of scams and theft on other platforms, this is a cooling off safety period designed to provide extra protection for Chronicle account users, and is consistent with the same rule as used for USDC withdrawals.

Users can withdraw XNL to any address on the Aurora network. Users will need to use their Google Authenticator code to complete the withdrawal.

NFT Burns

They’re finally here! We’ve introduced NFT burns to Chronicle, which can be applied to unsold items on the Chronicle store.

Burns simply reduce the amount of items available for purchase, thereby making every early purchaser’s items scarcer in rarity than when they originally purchased them.

Users will know if an item or collection has had a burn by finding a flame icon at the bottom of the item.

An example of a collectible that has had an NFT burn performed. Any dropped item with an NFT burn will display a 🔥 icon with the amount of items that were removed from sale and thereby reducing the original supply.

Any future NFT burn announcement will be communicated publicly in Chronicle’s Discord Server.

Coupon Codes

We’ve just introduced coupon codes to Chronicle!

With this code functionality now enabled, Chronicle will be able to provide further incentives and rewards for users.

For example: If users receive a discount code coupon, they will be able to enter it at the point of purchase. Once entered and verified, they will see the purchase price update in real time, with a set discount applied on the purchase of that NFT.

Left: Users can see the new coupon field appear whenever making a new purchase. Right: An example of a 5% off code being successfully entered and the -5% price change reflected.

Coupon codes will only be valid for the Chronicle Store and will not apply to the secondary market.

About Chronicle

Chronicle is a next-generation digital collectibles marketplace featuring officially licensed digital collectibles, more commonly known as NFTs. Chronicle makes it easy for anyone to buy, sell, trade, and gift authenticated digital collectables directly licensed from the world’s leading brands. It’s powered by XNL, a utility token specially designed for the Chronicle community offering rewards and incentives to users of the platform.

Although Chronicle is blockchain agnostic, Chronicle utilizes the Aurora EVM (“Ethereum Virtual Machine”) built by NEAR Protocol for their environmental awareness. Unlike high-energy Proof of Work systems, Aurora is based on NEAR Protocol’s Proof of Stake driven technology and is committed to reducing their carbon footprint with a tree-planting offset program.









A platform for officially licensed digital collectibles and NFTs