2020 Women’s Day Message — Evelyn Kalenzi

Fanny Nyayic
3 min readMar 9, 2020


Evelyn Kalenzi speaking to young Women in Tech

Working in technology is such an amazing experience because you are challenged to learn every single day, and the practical aspects of the field mean that you can contribute to innovations that will change the world in different domains. because of this, there is never a time when you are bored. I find it unfortunate and unacceptable that science and technology are still male-dominated fields, not just in Uganda but all over the world. So, to me, science and technology are not only about learning but an opportunity to mentor and inspire women to be the best they can be in technology, due to this gender gap.

Sharing my journey and guiding the young generation of women in STEM is my passion. I do my best -even with a demanding schedule as a mother, lecturer, and career wife- to use every opportunity to inspire them and let them know the sciences and technology fields are for #us too. Because of this, I co-founded GeekyCube — a movement to empower the woman in STEM. One of our goals is to increase the number of girls and women in STEM subjects while supporting them to stay there and grow in these fields.

In order for us to bridge the gender divide in STEM, we need to understand the impact of this divide at different levels. The girls in school, the girls in Universities, the women working in STEM and the women who would like to join STEM. Each of these faces different challenges at different levels, and thus requires different strategies in order for us to be able to address this unfair gap. Some of these strategies are mentorship, training, providing role models, awareness and more.

As we celebrate women’s day in 2020, I would like to celebrate the women like Winnie Byanyima, Dr. Agnes Rwashana, Dr. Sansa Otim Sussane, Dr. Dorothy Okello, my Colleagues at GeekyCube, the PyLadies Kampala, WiMLDS Kampala, and many others who have fought amidst the many challenges we face in Africa, women who have defied the status quo, challenged backward mindsets about women and endured the fight to get to the top. These women have inspired me and other women to follow in their footsteps. I encourage the many women who are still trapped by artificial, social and cultural limitations to their progress not to give up on achieving their dreams, but rather join hands so that we can work together to help raise ourselves to the best of our God-given potentials.

Women in machine learning and data science

Finally, I salute my darling husband and the many men out there who like him will do everything possible to make sure that the women in their lives, their wives, daughters, and sisters succeed in their careers and achieve their dreams.



Fanny Nyayic

“Software Developer | Tech Writer | Open-Source Contributor”