How To Create And Use A Facebook Messenger Chatbot Scan Code

Chrys Tan
3 min readMar 23, 2019


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Did you know you can create Facebook Messenger scan codes that you can use at conferences and events to get people into your Facebook messenger chatbot flow?

You can print your scan codes on your business card, banners, flyer, tent cards, or even replace your business card altogether.

In this article, I’m gonna share how one of my clients uses the Facebook messenger scan code to replace her business card. I’m going to walk you through how I set up her scan code and chatbot flow inside of MobileMonkey and ManyChat, and I’m also going to show you other examples of how you can use the Messenger scan code besides using it as a business card.

What Is A Facebook Messenger Scan Code?

Ever heard of QR codes? Yup, Facebook Messenger scan codes are similar to QR codes. Both are scannable with your phones, except with the Messenger scan code, you scan the code using the Facebook Messenger app.

Once someone scans a Messenger scan code, it automatically open a Messenger chat in the Facebook Messenger app, which is connected to your Messenger chatbot.

Scan codes hence are a great tool to get people into your Facebook Messenger funnel and subscriber list.

How My Client Uses Her Messenger Scan Code To Replace Her Business Card

One of my clients, Mary Fain Brandt, is a LinkedIn Strategist and Career Coach who regularly runs workshops, events and attends conferences.

She wanted to create a digital version of her business card, so we created a Facebook Messenger scan code that she could use during introductions. Once scanned, the person will receive a message asking to connect with Mary on LinkedIn, jump on a call with her, or to find out more about her.

How To Create A Messenger Scan Code

To create your own Messenger scan code, go into your MobileMonkey or ManyChat dashboard (I’m not currently using any of the other messenger chatbot programmes out there).

If you’re using MobileMonkey, go under Lead Magnets and search for Scan Codes. You’ll need to create a new scan code and connect it to a dialogue that you wish to associate with this scan code.

Pro Tip: Every time you change the dialogue to a different dialogue, the scan code changes as well. Not very intuitive, especially if you’ve already printed the scan code. So beware.

If you’re using ManyChat, go under Growth Tools and search for Facebook Messenger Code. Don’t forget to edit the sequence or replace the sequence with an existing one.


If you are looking to grow your messenger subscriber list and you frequently run and attend in-person workshops, trainings, and conferences, then consider using a Messenger scan code at the event.

Whether that’s printing the scan code on posters, flyers, banners, or name cards, or saving a photo of the scan code on your phone and asking your new connections to scan the code using their Facebook Messenger app.

What do you think? Have you tried using Facebook Messenger scan codes to replace your business card or print them on collaterals at events? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


Chrys is the founder of Chrys Media, a Messenger marketing agency focused on helping online businesses engage, give value, and sell to their ideal clients.

Originally published at on March 23, 2019.



Chrys Tan

Chrys is the founder of Chrys Media, a Messenger Marketing agency for online businesses.