Nam Nguyên
3 min readJan 29, 2016


It’s a great article. I had a good time reading and i could see that you are such a great person, professionally and parentingly. I also have a tendency to work remotely like you but i am facing a slightly different situation. I would be grateful if you have time to give me your opinion about this, or else i’m just happy i shared:

I am 23, live in Vietnam and work remotely for a korean company. They give me many things that peers at my age will feel envious: a title of coutry manager, a salary 6–8 times higher than the average person in this country, trips to korea, stock options although i didnt ask for it…all when i just graduated for 6 months. And they respect me and my work, though i cannot say have met all their expectations.

But now i feel like i stop learning as much as i can, and the nature of my job gradually turn into a direction that i don’t have interest at all.

Then, comes several offers from people whose have financially successful business, wide network, tech background, and strong influence in vietnam. They want me to come and be the co-founder or lead in the new business that i have interest in, where i could leverage my past experience.they all give me the promise to become the CEO and shareholder of the company i build, with their mentorship and $ they seems i have nothing to lose.

I turn down one. And recently, i think hard about the offer from a man that have positive review from all of our mutual friends on facebook, and have good tools for my work. But i concern about the conversations we have together:

1. First conversation: through chat,i ask “what values do you think you will provide for customers with this new business?”. Reply: “young girl, you are still so theoretical”. I: “perhaps. you could find other candidates that are less theoretical than me”. Reply: “another minus point for a young CEO: big ego, too pride”.

I feel judged. But i decide to visit his company and talk directly to him to avoid misunderstanding.

2. Second conversation: when having lunch together, i shared that i try a veggie diet for 3 months to see how it goes, and so far i feel so good. Then he spent the whole time talking about the negative impression he had towards vegetarians, that they seem to lack energy and easily lose temper. I shared my motivation and confirmed with him that i studied to have a balance diet and i have no such problem. But i don’t think he listened. Then we went on to talk about the negative feeling towards gay and lesbian. Well, i’m a bi and you could imagine it could be an offend!

3. third conversation: i ask about salary and stock option if i join The board. After he replied, i ask more questions just to make sure i understand it clearly.he seemed upset that i asked about it, and he said he didnt want to go down into details. And that i should reread whhe said. And again, he commented how such a “future ceo” could be so unclear.

Given my bad feeling about the interaction between us, i am wondering if working with him would turn into painful experience? On one side, I cannot work effectively if i have to spend too much time and energy defend my lifestyle, my gender or why “young, future CEO have such questions.” i hate comments or judgements that do not contribute. On the other side, i wonder whether my ego is so big it shuts down other good things about him? and whether i am just stuck in my comfort zone and dont want to lose the safe net i am in?

Sorry for my long writing. And again, thanks for your sharing!

