The Story of TV’s Lloyd Thaxton-In His Own Words

Chuck Hinson
9 min readOct 1, 2019

During the 1960s, THE LLOYD THAXTON SHOW was the favorite TV spot for millions of teens and preteens throughout the United States. From the Monkees to the “Mashed Potato,” Lloyd gave the kids an awesome mix of dance, special musical guest stars-and the great Thaxton humor. When the show left the air, he went on to produce Fight Back! with David Horowitz, over 200 segments of the Today Show, gain five Emmys, and cowrite the popular book, STUFF HAPPENS-And Then You Fix It! Just prior to his passing, he was producing a new DVD chronicling his famous teen show. I caught up with Lloyd in May of 2007 and he graciously consented to this interview:

Chuck Hinson: Lloyd, thanks for taking time out for this interview. You’ve got a lot of fans throughout the country, both of your teen show and of your book, Stuff Happens. First, give us a little background on the real Lloyd Thaxton.

Lloyd Thaxton: Well, my dad was born in Kentucky. I don’t know where in Kentucky. I do know that it was on a farm and my dad had to leave school in the eighth grade to work the farm.

A self-educated man, he became the wisest person I have ever known. He was a newspaperman working at the Memphis Press-Scimitar when he met and married my mom. When I was only 18 (months, that is), they dragged me screaming off to Toledo, Ohio. Destination: The…

