A quick course on music programming…I have recently wrote and taught a short course on music programming using Pure Data, together with mobile platform enhancement using…Aug 26, 2022Aug 26, 2022
Published in電腦音樂研究筆記 Computer Music Research Notes純音手工特調:用 Python 做聲音加法合成類比合成器上常可見到幾款基本波形,用以構成更複雜的聲音。事實上,只要秘方在手,全部基本波形都可以用 sine wave 純音組合而成。Jul 15, 2022Jul 15, 2022
Blending pure tones: Additive Synthesis from scratch with Python codeThere are a few basic waveforms that are commonly seen in analog synthesizers as building blocks for more complex sounds. But indeed, they…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Published in電腦音樂研究筆記 Computer Music Research Notes電子樂器vs數碼樂器,傻傻分不清古典樂手往往對令人眼花撩亂的電子或數碼樂器有點疑惑,有點着迷。芸芸眾多「通電就有聲音」的樂器中,有些基本分別,產生聲音的方法是其一。Jul 5, 2022Jul 5, 2022
More about different kinds of electrified musical instrumentsClassical musicians are often dazzled and confused by the variety of electronic or digital musical instruments. While they all operate on…Jul 5, 2022Jul 5, 2022
Coding for music is not that hardMusic and programming seem so far away in the arts and science realms. With more and more programming tools available, we can indeed code…Jun 28, 2022Jun 28, 2022
How do computers hear music?For a computer to process music, we have to first digitize the music information. If we are talking about graphics, digitization refers to…Jun 27, 2022Jun 27, 2022
Published in電腦音樂研究筆記 Computer Music Research Notes用 coding 做音樂,其實不難音樂與編程像乎「大纜都扯唔埋」,但其實現在越來越多編程工具可以選擇,用以電腦製作獨特的聲音。編程課一開始我們常說「Hello World」,音樂課我們就來個 Middle C 吧。Jun 22, 2022Jun 22, 2022
Published in電腦音樂研究筆記 Computer Music Research Notes電腦怎樣「聽」音樂?談到以電腦處理音樂,先要以適當方式將音樂資訊數碼化(digitization)。以較常見的圖像方式解說的話,數碼化意思就是把眼睛可見的影像,經過相機轉換成電腦的像素(pixel),成為一個個顏色點陣在螢幕顯示,或儲存為檔案。Jun 14, 2022Jun 14, 2022
Published in電腦音樂研究筆記 Computer Music Research Notes科研網站指南互聯網地大物博,以下是部份與電腦音樂(computer music)或音樂科技(music technology)研究有關的網站。此頁不定期更新,如有遺漏萬莫見怪,歡迎指正!Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022