War is Coming to America

Chuck Marunde, J.D.
5 min readJun 28, 2020


We don’t like to talk about it, but the obvious is staring us in the face — war is coming to America. I will share exactly why, and when you finish reading this article, you will understand that what we have been avoiding in our public discourse is that war is coming to America soon.

Let’s get right to the point with this list of pre-war indicators that happen every time just before war engulfs a nation, and notice that all of these conditions are in place in America today:

  1. There are two powerful opposing sides that have reached a total impasse in their world views and their deepest held beliefs.
  2. Both sides are willing to fight to the death rather than give up their core beliefs. There is no compromise possible any more.
  3. One side is made up of lots of people with strong convictions, but they are not fighters at heart and prefer to live quiet lives and let people live their lives in peace. They are good people, but they let evil gain great power without standing against it, until it is too late.
  4. The other side is also made up of people with strong convictions, but they are ruthless at heart, have no empathy for anyone who disagrees with them, are without moral boundaries, and ultimately will do anything to win the war they see as inevitable. Remember, every nation that has fallen has gone through these same steps.
  5. In the first group, there is a naive hope that peace is possible, and if peace were possible, they would seek to get along with the other side even if they disagree with their views. Good people will make compromises to get along.
  6. In the second group, there is no desire for peace, but only for total annihilation of the first group, whom they view as their mortal enemies. Bad people like this have no intention of compromising now or ever. The good people can’t seem to get that into their brains.
  7. The first group is always underestimated by the second group, because when the end is near, the first group will fight to the death to protect themselves, their families, and the values they hold dear, although up to that point they were timid and didn’t have the courage to stand up for their rights.
  8. The second group never has the discernment to comprehend they are headed toward total destruction of their nation, and that they cannot win the war, and that many people they love will be destroyed by their own agenda.
  9. Just before civil war, such governments at the Federal level have long since been mortally infected with evil people who are driven by their own narcissistic motivations to control and dominate the people and turn the country into their own idea of utopia. They use the power of government to enforce their will and agenda on the citizens.
  10. As with every nation in history, the virus of humanism and evil spreads throughout government, the entire education system, corporations, politicians, lobbyists, the military-industrial complex, central banks and the monetary and fiscal systems of a nation, government regulatory agencies, the congress, the senate, and the judiciary.
  11. The citizens find themselves surrounded night and day by powerful forces with massive networks that operate outside the law and with seemingly unlimited dark funds forcefully and legally collected from the very citizens whom the evil seeks to destroy.
  12. The second group, which you have guessed by now are the liberal radicals in America, seek to destroy the legal rights of the citizens, which they have already done by shredding the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, excepting the 2nd Amendment.
  13. Every nation that has fallen has turned the congress and senate against the people, and they turned the court system against the people from the lowest court in the land all the way to the Supreme Court of the land.
  14. All moral laws are abrogated near the end.
  15. A nation’s history is destroyed like a book burning, and symbols of the nation’s goodness are destroyed in big dramatic public displays, which is intentionally symbolic of the greater movement.
  16. Christian institutions are attacked, shut down by judges’ rulings, and media uses its power to slander God and his people.
  17. Immorality reaches levels never imagined with no apparent boundaries, and standards of values are eliminated in a totally immoral society no longer governed by Christian principles.
  18. Chaos and violence become a powerful tool of the radicals, and they coordinate their efforts to bring a nation to its knees. They use class warfare and false arguments of racism to promote their agenda. Hitler did it, and every nation’s dictators do it to bring a nation to an end and remake it in their image.
  19. Major events destroy a nation’s economic strength, and Marxism in various forms fills the halls of Universities and governments and media to turn a nation of brainwashed and uneducated people into sycophants serving the agenda of evil. Name a single country that has fallen to evil in which this did not happen.
  20. The last straw in every nation that has fallen is the Federal government’s confiscation of all guns owned by the citizens. It is absolutely extraordinary and hard to believe, but every nation in history has willingly given their guns over to the Federal authorities when told to do so. In this one thing America is different.
  21. In America right now, gun owners, militias in every state, policemen, military members, and millions of citizens are not going to give up their guns now or ever. They will die before they do that, because they know that is the last and final step in the total destruction of a nation. Americans for all their faults in letting this happen, will not give up and roll over even at the 11th hour.
  22. The radical liberals and their puppets rioting understand they are driving the nation toward war. That’s exactly what they want, because they think that once and for all they can rid the nation of people like you and me, but they are tragically wrong. Make no mistake, and do not be deceived. They intend to fulfill their evil agenda.

This is why War is Coming to America. You think I’m a conspiracy theorist? Then you explain how we could check off all these pre-war conditions and not go to war? Do you not realize that peace is not possible when one side has no intention of living in peace? They want war, and they want total annihilation, and this is why war is coming. No one can stop it. They started this war long ago, and they fully intend to finish it to the end.

Please do not misunderstand my purpose here. I do not want war. I’m a peace loving man, but they want war, and they intend to have it. Do not play the naive role of Neville Chamberlain at a time like this. You and I cannot stop these evil people from pursuing their agenda to the death. I’m sorry to be the bearer of such horrendous prophetic news, but the signs on the horizon are crystal clear — war is coming to America.



Chuck Marunde, J.D.

Author of twenty books, Tech/Marketing Geek, Attorney, Virtual Real Estate Broker, Business Development Exec, proud father of world class athletes, Believer