More Regarding B Kean

Charles Stromme
2 min readMar 30, 2024


To my surprise, my essay “In Response to B Kean” is my most read and responded to piece. (I admit, a small universe.) I thought my criticisms were mild. I wrote “biased and poorly written,” “myopic,” and “over the top purple prose.” Pretty innocuous stuff, considering the topic and what else is said in this forum.

But no. I discovered there to be a coven of B Keaners eager to come to his defense. Not eager to propose counter arguments, though. That might require knowledge and insight. Just eager to attack without perspective and eager to use vulgarities without being sent to the corner.

B Kean himself was funny when he suggested I pour myself “a tall glass of RC Cola open up a Moon Pie” and sit down in my basement. Points there, B. He loses them when he suggests that Trump might be anyone’s Lord and savior. Purple prose, indeed.

Lisnyk adds zero to the discussion by calling me a “moron.” You’re not the first, lisnyk, though I have cred that suggests otherwise and I’m willing to match it against yours.

Gerald Shepard merely wishes me Trump. Well, he can wish me anything he wants. I can’t do anything about that. But thanks for playing, Mr. Shepard.

Gary Bergeron, a clap afficianado, wrote “Wow. Over a month since publication and not even a single clap. You sure told them, Chuck.”

To which I responded, in part, “ Sometimes people agree with me, sometimes not, and often I’m just ignored. I feel sorry for you if you think claps are important in your life.”

As to the main points of my original essay, if you’re still reading, A) the Hur report did NOT find that no crimes had been committed. As opposed to B Kean’s assertion that they found that NO crimes had beeen committed, and B) Joe Biden did not spend “the past week talking with his advisers.” If there are arguments to the contrary, please let me know.

Wait, B, maybe B) was part of your humor, too? If yes, I missed it the first time. Sorry. I’m a moron.

