20 great copywriting examples

Chu Hoang Son
3 min readJun 22, 2022


Need copywriting inspiration for your next marketing campaign? Keep reading.

1. “Make it illogical for the reader not to believe” — Tom Thomas

2. Make it frictionless

3. Short, sweet and actionable

4. You smile. You remember it.

5. “One headline. Two ideas.”

6. The power of metaphor

7. Quotes that don’t put you to sleep.

8. Talk in their language, not the Queens

9. “Treat copy as a visual object. Copy that looks good has a knack of reading well.”

10. Be bold

“An unbeatable example for a challenger brand”

— Rory Sutherland

11. Comparison makes it relatable

The Cybertruck is from another planet

12. It’s the details which persuade

“ph 8.1”, “deep underground mountain”, “a few hundred feet of stone”

13. Get rid of all possible objections

14. Sell childhood memories.

15. Sell what your product can do for customers

Apple made a portable media player.They sold what it can do for you.

16. “P-A-S” formula

1. Problem — “Women and men shave differently”

2. Agitate — “10x the area”, “more curves”

3. Solution — “Razor for womenkind”

17. Memorable is more important than likeable

18. Credibility matters

19. “Put a mood into words. Transfer that mood to the reader.” — Helen Woodward

20. “lead magnet”

1. Clear outcome — “Learn basics of design”

2. With timeframe — “just 6 days”

3. Call-to-value — “Send me Lesson 1”

4. Social proof — “Wow, uhmmmm”



Chu Hoang Son

CMO, CTO and Co-founder of @RensOriginal — World’s First Coffee Sneaker Brand. Alumni @ Forbes30U30 Europe.