The Difference Between Web Designers and Web Developers

Chuks Festus
2 min readMar 7, 2017


If you’ve ever worked in, on, with, or around the Internet, you’ve undoubtedly heard the terms “Web Designer” and “Web Developer”. Oftentimes, the two phrases are used interchangeably by someone who is not familiar with the industry. I mean — designer and developer — they’re the same thing, right? Wrong!!.

The truth, is that the term reference two fundamentally different aspects of website development and require two different unique skill sets.

Let’s face it, if you have the word “Web” in your euphemism, you’ve probably been hammered with questions from both sides of the playing field. Designers will hear things like “how can we add a database to the website?”, while developers struggle to answer questions about layout, color selection, image placement, and font styles.

Take a Closer Look at Web Design

Before we continue, one important facet of a web designer is to understand the objective of the client’s website then everything else follows. The best Web Designers are of the creative type. They have a knack for getting inside of their clients’ heads and realizing their clients’ vision.

The biggest objective of the designer is to select the right color, layout, font and images which ultimately create the whole personality of the website. Besides the user-friendly web pages a designer works on the usability of the website. Web designers create pages that the target market can relate to.

For example, if you create a website for nursery children to be designed with the help of large fonts, bright colors, graphics, less text and images. This would make the website attractive and captures the attention of the target audience.

Hence, their work relies on information flow, graphic design and color scheming and their tools of work include using languages such as HTML, CSS and Javascript.

So what about web development…

Web Developers are usually more technical in nature.

They use the design created by the design team and work on the back end to create a fully functional website. These are the people behind the smooth functioning of every element on the web page when users interact with the website. They take care of all the behind the scene works of a website.

Most of these developers will use certain coding languages in creating a website for your use, for example, the use of HTML as the front end designing language while the use of a dynamic and potent server scripting language such as PHP and MySQL for the back end of the website.



Chuks Festus

Developer, Javascript junkie, music aficionado, lover of God, blogger, doing epic shit!