Able Chuks
4 min readSep 15, 2018


Currently, the world today has witnessed a new revolution made possible by blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is open to all and sundry with the only requirement being a proper understanding of blockchain technology as well as with the right team. This possibility made possible by blockchain technology has led experts to create outstanding projects with unique features all with the aim of solving issues facing humans today. Thus, a team of expert aims to leverage on blockchain technology thereby bringing a unique transformation to the Genomic industry, this led to the creation of DNATIX. DNAtix will be based on blockchain at the same utilizing DNA sequencing mechanism to bring wide varieties of a solution to the genomic industry.


DNAtix is a platform with the aim of building up the biggest genomic platform and healthcare services on the planet with the guide of blockchain technology. DNAtix intends to accomplish this by using Blockchain technology and Genomics. The result thereof will be a healthcare platform where there will be trust, transparency, open coordinated effort and respectability in this manner giving patients the control over their genomic information. The genomic information will be saved on blockchain thus being protected from all manner of manipulations.
Blockchain technology is exceptionally imperative to DNAtix as it guarantees there is no isolation nor confinements, along these lines permitting individuals everywhere throughout the world, irrespective of their location, to have the chance to sequence their genome and additionally saving it on the blockchain.
The blockchain ensures straightforwardness, information security and privacy which is inadequate in a centralized database, therefore it’s significance in DNAtix’s platform.
With DNAtix bringing blockchain technology to the healthcare sector, blockchain technology will be utilized to safely encode transactions with the goal that just the transacting parties can get to it, and this is accomplished through a private key. A private key can be seen as a feature with a created account on blockchain which can only be accessed by the individual who created it.

DNAtix Was Created To Solve The Following Issues

1. Lack of trust because of security issues related to the present healthcare systems, leads patients being denied control over their private information. Furthermore, the absence of transparency, trustworthiness and remunerations which is found in today’s healthcare systems makes patients not having any interest in helping to develop good products and services which will benefit all and sundry.
2. Inefficiencies surrounding saving of healthcare information: Healthcare information being separated as well as saved in various arrangements and database constraints its full use. With genomic information not being saved appropriately restricts healthcare experts from effectively performing the needed activities so as to bring out results.
3. The present healthcare services are plagued with poor economy of scale, expensive and the information is highly inaccessible. These information segregation leads to different modifications in the genome database as well as leading to diverse classifications of patients.
4 Data saved on centralized systems are prone to cyber attacks, data breaches, data manipulation etc and most times unavailable.


DNAtix ascertains that this issues of trust, lack of control over personal data will be solved by utilizing new advances, strategies, plans of action patients will be able to adapt to offer help when needed. Also, with patients having control over their own information they will trust the DNAtix platform.
Also, DNAtix aims to solve issues associated with saving of healthcare data by creating a platform which will empower people and healthcare systems to share their genomic information along these lines making it effectively available for use in drugs improvement and so forth. Through this associated healthcare costs are reduced.
In the same vein, DNAtix trusts that by sequencing the genome of patient with various sicknesses and from various areas will upgrade clinical preliminaries result, additionally by joining these sequenced genomes with accessible healthcare records, specialists and clinicians will have the chance to produce various outcomes in this manner knowing the reasons for illnesses and in addition creating a cure.
Furthermore, DNAtix aims to solve issues present in centralized systems by leveraging on blockchain technology, thus patients information will be secured with no iota of manipulations. The blockchain technology will guarantee trust inferable from its remarkable attribute of being effectively open to anybody, simple, constantly accessible for partners and users in the meantime taking into account simple modification of genome information.


DNATIX token is an ERC20 utility token based on Ethereum blockchain with the aggregate supply of 150 million.
It is utilized to control the DNAtix platform and furthermore, all users will utilize it for payment of products and services.
By leveraging on blockchain DNAtix creates a genomic platform which will be transparent, protected and auditable in this way ensuring certainty for all contributors, patients and partners. With the guide of smart contracts, DNAtix will have the freedom of preparing continuous transactions in the meantime using DNATIX token to control the platform.


Website: https://www.dnatix.com/

Whitepaper: https://www.dnatix.com/download/White_Paper.pdf

Telegram Group: https://t.me/dnatix_tokensale

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dnatixgenetics/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DNAtixGenetics

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dnatix/

Author’s Details;

Author: Chuky92

Author’s Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2084586

Disclaimer: It is worthy to know this article was created in exchange for a token reward through “DNATIX BOUNTY”.

