The Best Essential Survival Skills Everyone Should Know

Chuma Sepii
9 min readJan 19, 2023



In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to take for granted the modern conveniences that we have at our disposal. However, in times of emergency or survival situations, those conveniences may not be available. That’s why having a set of essential survival skills is crucial for ensuring safety and well-being. Here are some of the best essential survival skills everyone should know:


For survival, the ability to kindle a fire is crucial. It can offer comfort, illumination, and a way of cooking meals. Learn how to create a fire using many techniques, including utilizing a fire starter, matches, or a fire-starting steel.

Having the ability to ignite a fire is one of the most essential survival abilities. Fire can be used to cook food as well as to give light and heat. It can also be used to cleanse water and signal for help. To survive in various settings and circumstances, it is crucial to know how to make fire using various techniques.

Using a fire starter, such as a fire stick, a ferrocerium rod, or a magnesium block, is one typical way to start a fire.

These fire starters produce a spark that can be used to ignite tinder, such as dry leaves, grass, or bark. It’s important to have a fire starter and tinder on hand, and practice using them before you find yourself in a survival situation.

Another method of fire-making is using matches. Matches can be used to ignite tinder, but they can be affected by moisture, so it’s important to keep them in a waterproof container. Stormproof matches or a cigarette lighter can also be used.

A fire-starting steel is another method that can be used to start a fire. A fire-starting steel is a small, durable tool that produces a spark when struck against a hard surface, such as a rock. It’s a great alternative for when matches or lighters are not available.

In addition to knowing different methods of fire-making, it’s also important to understand the different types of fire and when to use them. For example, a teepee fire is good for cooking, while a log cabin fire is better for warmth.

An alternative way to start a fire is with a fire-starting steel. A fire-starting steel is a small but deadly weapon that ignites when it comes into contact with a rock or another hard item. If you don’t have any matches or lighters, this is a wonderful fallback.

Understanding how to make different types of fire, how they function, and when to use them is essential. A teepee fire is preferred than a log cabin fire for warmth when cooking.

It’s also important to understand the importance of fire safety, such as building a fire in a safe location, and making sure it’s properly extinguished before leaving.


You need a shelter if you want to protect yourself from the elements during a survival situation. Learn how to build a straightforward shelter using objects you can find in nature.

A vital survival skill that can protect you from the elements, such as rain, wind, and severely cold or hot temperatures, is building a shelter. Understanding the foundations of shelter construction and the materials that are accessible where you are is the key. Natural resources available in the outdoors can be used to build a variety of shelter styles.

One of the most basic shelters is a lean-to, which is a simple structure made by leaning poles or branches against a tree or a large rock. This shelter can be covered with branches, leaves, or other organic materials to serve as weatherproofing and insulation.

Another kind of shelter that is built by piling leaves, branches, or other organic materials on top of a framework made of poles or branches is a debris shelter. This shelter is helpful in cold weather because it may trap warm air within and provide protection from the ground.

You can create an igloo if you live in a snowy environment. Igloos are snow-block-constructed dome-shaped structures. They can shield you from the wind and are excellent for insulation.

An organic structure composed of poles or branches and covered in materials like animal skins, canvas, or other natural fibers is known as a wigwam, sometimes known as a teepee. This shelter may be used in hot or cold climates and is simple to assemble and disassemble.

Knowing what resources are available and how to use them is necessary for building a shelter. A shelter plan and the appropriate instruments, such as a saw, axe, or knife, are also essential. With these tools, you may cut and shape the materials.

It’s crucial to think about the site when creating a shelter, making sure it’s secure, dry, and wind-protected. Verify that no noxious or dangerous flora or fauna are situated too near the shelter.


Finding your way in the woods requires being able to use a map and compass. Study topographic map reading and compass usage to establish direction.

If you want to learn more essential skills and strategies you need to have when you are in a survival or emergency situation, visit here

Water purification

It might not always be easy to get access to drinkable water in a survival situation. Learn about several water purification techniques, including filtration, boiling, and chemical reactions.

To make water safe to drink, pollutants, toxins, and dangerous microorganisms must be eliminated. In a survival situation, having a dependable method to purify water is crucial to avoiding waterborne illnesses.

One of the best ways to purify water is to boil it. The majority of germs may be killed by bringing water to a rolling boil and keeping it there for at least one minute. Boiling won’t entirely remove chemical pollutants, thus other techniques should be employed in addition to boiling.

A different technique for purifying water is filtering. To get rid of germs and tiny waterborne particles, employ filters comprised of sand, gravel, and charcoal. To eliminate any leftover bacteria, some filters also include a chemical treatment using substances like iodine or chlorine.

Chemicals like iodine or chlorine can also be used to clean water. These chemicals can be added to water and left to sit for a set amount of time to eliminate bacteria. Utilize the suggested dosage and strictly follow the directions on the container.

It is usually a good idea to purify the water using a number of methods, such as boiling and filtration, to ensure that it is safe to drink. Furthermore, it’s important to keep in mind that different water sources can necessitate using different purifying processes. When it comes to survival, it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution.


An vital survival skill that can guarantee your life in survival or disaster scenarios is the capacity to find food on your own. Finding and identifying edible plants and animals are essential to life. Learn safe handling and preparation methods for wild animals as well as how to identify edible wild flora.

When plant-foraging, it’s essential to understand how to identify wild edible plants that are safe to eat. Wild plants frequently yield edible fruits, nuts, unique leaves, roots, and tubers. Knowing which plant parts are appropriate for consumption and which should be avoided is essential. It is essential to understand the dangerous plants in your area and how to avoid them.

When it comes to foraging for animals, it’s essential to understand how to hunt and trap wild animals securely, as well as how to properly prepare and cook the meat. It’s essential to know how to spot animals that are fit for consumption and how to avoid those that are lethal or venomous. It’s important to get knowledgeable about regional hunting regulations and legislation.


It’s essential to have self-defense skills if you want to stay safe during a survival crisis. Become familiar with the foundations of self-defense and the proper use of knives and other weapons.

Self-defense is the ability to protect oneself from harm or danger. Life depends on your ability to defend yourself from prospective dangers like unfriendly people or harmful animals. Self-defense is an essential survival ability that can ensure protection in survival or emergency situations. In certain situations, the ability to protect oneself can mean the difference between life and death.

Learn First Aid

It can mean the difference between life and death in a survival crisis, so learning first aid is an essential survival skill. By effectively administering first aid, you can evaluate a person’s condition, choose the best course of action, stop more damage, and stabilize their state.

A first aid kit and working knowledge of first aid are also necessary. Bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, scissors, tweezers, and over-the-counter medications should all be included in a first aid kit. It’s a good idea to be aware of the items in your first aid kit and any prescription medications.

Joining a respectable organization like the American Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, or American Heart Association is an excellent choice if you want to study first aid. Access to comprehensive instruction, practical experience, and certification is available.


Being able to signal for assistance in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death. Using signaling tools like flares, mirrors, and whistles effectively can aid rescuers in finding you and offering assistance.

Flares are one popular signaling tool. A flare is a highly visible signaling method that can be seen from a great distance. They are available in a variety of forms, including handheld flares, smoke flares, and parachute flares, and can be used to signal for assistance both during the day and at night.

A mirror serves as another signaling tool. Sunlight can be reflected off of a mirror to produce a flashing signal that can be seen from a great distance. Mirrors are helpful when flares are not accessible and can be used to call for assistance throughout the day.

Whistles are a straightforward yet powerful signaling tool that can be used to draw attention. An emergency whistle can be used to call for assistance because it can be heard from a great distance.

It’s crucial to practice utilizing these signaling tools in a secure setting after learning how to use them appropriately. When engaging in outside activities, signaling devices should also be carried.

Keep in mind that phoning for help is only one aspect of surviving; having a survival plan and being prepared for crises are equally important. This calls for having access to the proper shelter, food, drink, clothing, navigational knowledge, and signals for help.

Get more info on top essential must have- survival skills, click here to learn.


In conclusion, it is vital to have a set of fundamental survival abilities if you want to stay safe in a survival circumstance. These abilities, which include lighting fire and making shelters as well as self-defense, foraging, signaling, and first aid, might spell the difference between life and death. It’s crucial to give these abilities the time they require to master and to routinely put them to use. The ability to navigate with a map and compass is essential for locating yourself in the outdoors and is another critical skill to have.

Additionally, it’s crucial to always update your knowledge and pick up new abilities in order to stay prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Always remember that being prepared is always preferable to being caught off guard.

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Chuma Sepii

This is all about adding value to your life. My passion is to change people's lives positively.