CHMB Staking APR and Rewards

Chumbi Valley
2 min readJan 19, 2022


CHMB Staking Launch

The staking launch was a big success, with many CHMB holders being incentivized with exciting APR to stake their tokens. Reducing the circulating supply is the main goal of this early staking program and we are very happy with the initial results.

CHMB Staking APR

As mentioned in the lead up to staking launch, APR would start very high and reduce over time to our targeted minimums as follows:

  • 3 Month Pool: 100% APR
  • 6 Month Pool: 150% APR
  • 12 Month Pool: 200% APR

CHMB Staking Rewards

The goal of this early staking program is to reward the loyal users who are willing to lock their tokens. At the same time, we want to ensure that the amount of rewards is fair, but does not negatively impact the supply when unlocked.

Staking Adjustments

We endeavour to do what is right for Chumbi Valley, and this includes making tweaks when needed for the better of the project and community.

We have decided to recalibrate the total staking rewards in a way that still leaves more than enough for our loyal stakers but also ensures that not too much CHMB is given away too early, we have many more future staking programs planned.

What does this mean for stakers?

Fortunately, our stakers will be mostly unaffected by this adjustment. All rewards earned up to this point will remain unchanged and APR will simply reduce down towards the targeted minimum rates.

How will the adjustments be made?

The team will strategically add project tokens (from the staking allocation) into the pools to steadily adjust the APR and reduce the total rewards. The reduced rewards will simply be transferred back into the project staking allocation for use in future staking programs.

Adjustment Schedule

Starting 19th of January 2022, APR will be reduced in the following schedule (targets are estimated):

  • Day 1: APR will reduce to ~2,000%, ~3,000%, ~4,000%
  • Day 2: APR will reduce to ~800%, ~1,000%, ~2,000%
  • Day 3: APR will reduce to ~250%, ~400%, ~1,000%
  • Day 4: APR will reduce to ~110%, ~170%, ~300%

Looking forward to the Future of Chumbi Valley

We care deeply about Chumbi Valley and our community, we strive to constantly learn and evolve. We are still so early on our journey with many exciting developments ahead. The future looks bright for Chumbi Valley. 💚

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Chumbi Valley

Chumbi Valley is an upcoming NFT Play-to-Earn game being built on Polygon. Featuring original graphics inspired by Pokemon, Stardew Valley, and Studio Ghibli.