Android VS. iOS: 20 UI Components & Patterns Explained (Part 2)

Chun-Chuan Lin
設客思 | UX Circles
13 min readDec 23, 2017


20 differences between Android and iOS you should know when designing for cross-platform apps

中文版 Original Chinese version published on Dec 10, 2016

Android VS. iOS: 20 UI Components & Patterns Explained (Part 1)

14. Grid Lists VS. Collection View

Grid lists are mainly used on ordered set of content, especially for images. In Android, a header or footer can be added into a grid for providing extra information or actions. iOS collection view are for showing off image-based content basically.

By cutting off grid tiles in the view’s initial scroll position, you can indicate content overflow. Both grid lists and collection Views are tappable to enter the detail screen for further information.

15. Cards

Cards have been used in UI design for a long time. After Google released Material Design in 2015, cards becomes one common representative of android design. Card UI has its advantage on across multiple device sizes. Cards can be resized and rearranged according to different screen sizes easily. Moreover, cards can contain various of information, like texts, images and charts.

