3 min readJan 30, 2020


Certification implementation steps of the Certification Organization comply with the laws and requirements of the world. The certification process involves a lot of work and stages.
Certification organizations and enterprises are required to follow these Certification Rules and procedures.
Below, we would like to introduce the certification process of the GOODVN National Certification Officea certification organization that has been certified by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Step 1: Register for certification and agree with the certification body

The first step of the Certification Process is Certification Registration . Enterprises need to agree with the certification Organization through the Certification Registration and the contract.

The Certification Registration Form includes information related to the business. For example: Business name; Location of assessment; Manufacturing sector; Number of employees….

This information is important for the Certification Body to proceed to the next step.

ISOCERT will assist enterprises in registering and negotiating with certification organizations. ISOCERT will support all procedures for Enterprises.

Step 2: The certification body reviews information and makes an audit plan

The certification body receives information and requests from the Enterprise. After that, the Certification Organization reviews the information and makes an evaluation plan to send to the Customer.

The audit plan will mainly consist of certification information. For example: evaluation time; place of assessment; information experts evaluation; Content rated…

The assessment plan will help businesses proactively prepare the evaluation content.

Step 3: Document review and certification in the field.

Regular certification audits go through two basic steps.
Firstly , evaluate and review the enterprise’s document system.
Secondly, practical assessment at the factory, where businesses do business …
The auditors of the certification Organization will review the documents, processes, instructions … and the actual production and business is the Company’s compliance with the provisions of ISO 9001.

Auditors will perform the work on the principle of objectivity, independence and compliance with the provisions of the law on certification and certification.

The result of this step is evidence of whether the management system of the enterprise is compliant with ISO 9001.

Step 4: Review evaluation documents and demo certificates

After having the results of the evaluation of certified auditors. The certification body will review the application and complete it to issue a certificate.

At the same time; The certification organization will send the enterprise 01 demo certificate . The certificate demo will include the same information as the official ISO certificate.

Enterprises are responsible for checking the information on the Certificate.

Step 5: Issue ISO 9001 certificate and hand over the documents.

After the dossier has been verified and the certificate information verified with the Enterprise. The certifying organization will grant enterprise 01 ISO certificate.

At the same time, the certification Organization will hand over the certification file to the customer.

The dossier includes: 01 ISO certificate A4 version; 01 ISO certificate of A3 version; The decision to issue the certificate and the Decision on using the hidden form.

ISO certificate is valid for 03 years and the minimum monitoring period is 12 months / time.

After being granted the certificate, to maintain the validity of ISO 9001 Certificate; Enterprises need to conduct annual monitoring evaluation and recertification after 03 years.

To understand more about this section, businesses see in the article:

- Validity of ISO 9001 certificate (here)

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