Christopher Hunter
2 min readOct 26, 2014


I haven’t thought of good things to write on Medium yet, so I thought maybe I should find hings I used to write on Xanga and republish them here for posterity? I’ll try my best to pick things that stand up to the past ten years.

Originally published Friday, June 25, 2004

Guy at work (let’s call him Ryan) asked me what it’s like to live hundreds of miles away from my family the other night…

I didn’t know how to answer him right away. It’s been something like 10 years by now, all-in-all… but I guess if you grow up with all your folks always around you tend not to think of what it’d be like if they weren’t…

I had folks in the service though, that I’d see about once every four years if that, it seems…

I’ve already mentioned, the tough thing is dealing with the time that passes if you don’t go back often enough. I think that’s the toughest of it. A few nights ago I did some mental math and determined that at the present rate I’ll see my mother again some four to six more times before (god forbid) she passes. For my dad the count might be closer to eight depending on whether or not I end up with my brother… Don’t mean to be morbid, but… I think I’m making it a point to budget to go home more often if I can help it.

Christopher Hunter

Micromusician, customer service, motorsports enthusiast and round football