From Quiet Beginnings to Empowered Coding: My Journey in Tech


Coding Classroom
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Have you ever pondered the profound impact that seemingly ordinary moments can have on shaping the course of your life? Such reflections often unveil the hidden gems of our journey, the twists and turns that have led us to where we stand today. It was on one such day that someone posed a question to me about my journey into the world of coding. Initially, my response was poised to take the well-trodden path — a tale of how I commenced my coding endeavors during my junior year of college after making the transition from business administration to software engineering. But then, like a wave of nostalgia, a vivid memory from high school surged forth — a memory of building a website for my dad’s business using a rudimentary website builder.

The nostalgia-laden memory brought me back to a time when my dad’s tech-savviness wasn’t as pronounced, and my joy resonated with the simple act of utilizing a basic website builder, perhaps Wix or Weebly. It’s intriguing to muse on how recognizing my passion for this craft during that juncture might have expedited my learning journey. Yet, the corridors of hindsight lack room for regrets. The diverse array of skills I’ve honed, including communication and customer service, have all woven into the tapestry of my growth.

Growing up, the educational landscape I traversed never showcased the vibrant hues of computer science, robotics, or programming. My schools were familiar with traditional subjects, while the world of code and algorithms lay veiled in enigma. In those corridors of learning, the echoes of technology were but faint whispers, leaving me bereft of the symphony of lines of code that could shape my destiny. If only the pages of my early education had been illuminated by the glow of programming, and if only the halls had resonated with the hum of robots, my journey might have embarked on an earlier trajectory. This hindsight paves the way for reflections — had I been granted a peek into the realm of programming, a realm I never considered, perhaps my journey would have been kindled sooner, leading me to the exhilarating path of software engineering.

As high school graduation loomed on the horizon, the thought of delving into a computer science class never graced my consciousness. The road not taken, obscured by a lack of exposure, remained a dormant possibility. Little did I fathom that a universe brimming with algorithms and creativity awaited my discovery. If only the educational landscape had resounded with the melodies of technology, my rhythm might have been established earlier. Perhaps my love for coding could have found its voice, and I might have ventured into uncharted realms of software engineering. Nevertheless, my journey remains a testament to the potency of discovery, a reminder that sometimes the path less traveled unveils extraordinary destinations.

The excitement that accompanied my initiation into software engineering education soon encountered the ebbs of overwhelm. My peers, advanced in their coding acumen, painted a landscape of achievement that initially seemed insurmountable. In my junior year, I embarked on my first coding class, surrounded by classmates who had been coding since their elementary or middle school days. Timidity held me back, rendering me hesitant to pose questions even when grappling with concepts. However, determination prevailed. I immersed myself in extra articles, devoured books, and spent hours navigating YouTube, Udemy, and freeCodeCamp tutorials. Yet, a flaw persisted — I continually oscillated between subjects, striving to be a jack of all trades but inadvertently mastering none. Hindsight casts light on this tendency; it reveals that I favored reading extensively over action. Today, I embrace daily coding, dedicating at least an hour to this craft.

While the story I weave knows no room for regret, it is enriched by a skill set that encompasses communication and customer service. My enthusiasm, albeit not devoid of challenges, bore testament to a tenacity that weathered storms. The landscapes of classrooms and tech events often painted a picture where I stood out — a few girls in a sea of aspiring coders, and often the sole Latina voice. This unique vantage point, at once inspiring and revealing, magnified the disparities in gender and diversity that loom over the tech industry. The echoes of underrepresentation reverberated, amplifying the significance of my presence in these spaces. Standing as one of the few girls and the sole Latina, my perspective was heightened, underscoring the importance of diversity as a cornerstone of innovation. More than representation, it is about harmonizing unique voices and perspectives to orchestrate groundbreaking change.

These experiences have not only shaped my perspective but ignited a fervent passion within me. The glaring gender and diversity disparities that marked my journey fueled my commitment to drive change. It propelled me to volunteer at Code on Wheels, a local non-profit dedicated to bridging the technology gap in underserved communities. Through mentoring and workshops, I strive to empower young minds who may not have otherwise contemplated the realm of coding. The experiences of being one of the few girls and the only Latina have galvanized my resolve to be an agent of change, a catalyst in fostering a more inclusive and equitable future in the tech realm.

In the midst of these experiences, a surprising embrace awaited me — the embrace of the software community. From Reddit to Stack Overflow to Twitter, not just students but strangers offered encouragement and assistance. United by their own past struggles, they extended their support. Amid moments of solitude, I discovered my voice on Twitter — a haven that nourished my aspirations. With this blog, I aim to connect with fellow journeyers — those treading the path of software engineering, web development, data science, or any tech niche. I aspire to cultivate a space devoid of fear, where intelligence is not doubted, and solitude is shattered. A space where dedicating even a small fraction of time daily to skill-building ushers in exponential growth — a growth that magnifies us 365% beyond where we began.

In a world often dominated by the intricate symphony of lines of code and the lexicon of tech, I discovered my voice and passion amid unassuming beginnings. As someone who veered from the trajectory of business administration to embrace software engineering during my junior year of college, my journey into the world of coding defied norms. Reflecting back, I am grateful for unearthing my passion for coding.

As my journey unfurls and evolves, my hope is that this blog resonates with those who, like me, embarked on a path in tech with courage and curiosity. I extend an invitation to cast aside apprehension, to embrace the learning process, and to recognize that even incremental steps amplify into remarkable growth. My journey stands as a testimony to the transformative potential of persistence, a reminder that on this road of discovery, you are never alone.

Here are some tips for aspiring coders:

  • Find a mentor or community of supportive people. Having someone to guide you and offer support can make a big difference.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone needs help sometimes. There are plenty of people who are willing to help you learn and grow.
  • Be patient. Learning to code takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.
  • Have fun! Coding should be enjoyable. If you’re not having fun, you’re less likely to stick with it.

Also here are some links to good tutorials:

  • Codecademy: Codecademy is a great place to start learning to code. They offer interactive tutorials in a variety of programming languages. Codecademy:
  • FreeCodeCamp: FreeCodeCamp is another great resource for learning to code. They offer free tutorials in a variety of programming languages and other tech skills. FreeCodeCamp:
  • The Odin Project: The Odin Project is a more comprehensive resource for learning to code. They offer a full curriculum that covers everything from the basics of programming to more advanced topics like web development and data science. The Odin Project:
  • Udemy: Udemy is a great place to find in-depth tutorials on specific topics. They offer a wide variety of courses taught by experienced instructors. Udemy:
  • Coursera: Coursera offers online courses from top universities around the world. They offer a variety of courses in computer science and other tech-related fields. Coursera:

I hope these links help you on your journey into the world of coding!



Stephanie Church 💻📚💡

Software engineer driven by innovation. Sharing struggles, lessons, and promoting diversity to empower others. Let's create and inspire together! 🚀