Platform Management Misconceptions

Addressing Common Failures in Platform Engineering: A Guide for Success

Clement Hussenot-Desenonges
5 min readFeb 2, 2023

Greetings, fellow engineer! Let’s get cracking on addressing some common misconceptions about platform engineering and management. As you already know, technical platforms are beneficial to organizations of all sizes because they can streamline development and deployment processes, increase service efficiency and provide a foundation for innovation. The question today is:

How could I become great at Platform Engineering Management if I didn’t fully understand the game’s rules?

I’ll try to give you some direction. We have quite a bit to cover, so grab a 🖋️, a notebook, and let’s get started!

Please help us, we’ve got ourselves trapped…

In engineering platforms, it’s possible to be wrong about many things, including:

  • Technology choices: Choosing the wrong technology for a specific platform requirement can lead to ‘technical debt‘ and decreased efficiency.
  • Security: Neglecting to implement proper security measures can lead to ‘data breaches’ and loss of trust.
  • Integration: Failing to integrate different components of the platform can lead to a ‘fragmented developer experience’ and increased operational complexity.
  • Maintenance and support: Neglecting ongoing maintenance and support can lead to incidents, degraded performances and increased downtime.

Therefore, the individuals responsible for building and maintaining platform or those designated as Platform Engineers require guidance from some… Managers!

The tech industry has shaped this role with new schools of thought such as DevOps, SRE, or Cloud Native thingy, making it even more critical to be aware of common misconceptions surrounding the new role.

What is this role really?

…Hey folks, looks like we’re in need of a captain to steer this ship!

Some folks out there might think that ‘Platform Engineering managers’ are just road-map captains, that technical skills are all you need, that management is a lonely job, that short-term gains are the only thing that matters, and that platform management is a one-and-done deal. Well, let me tell you, it’s time to dispel these legends! Fear not, my ‘tech-savvy’ friends, for I am here to guide you through the misconceptions and help you be a platform engineering boss!

Let’s set the record straight on Platform management!

Managers… Pfft, They only create roadmaps 😥

Ha! If only it were that easy. Platform Management involves much more than just creating roadmaps. It also includes conducting user research, defining platform requirements, working with cross-functional teams, defining and tracking key metrics, and making data-driven decisions.

It only requires technical skills!

Sure, being tech-savvy is a plus, but communication and analytical skills are just as important. After all, you can’t just sit in your office coding all day. You have to understand the frustrations of the users of the platform and show great empathy.

It’s a solitary role 🪐

Not even close. Effective collaboration is key, and Platform Engineering managers need to work closely with other engineering managers and seek input from a variety of people to make informed decisions. Platform Engineering managers play a critical role in choosing platform ‘features’, but they don’t always have the final say!

They only focus on short-term gains..

Sorry, short-term goals are important, but as a manager, you also needs to have a long-term vision for your product and align it with the department or company’s overall strategy. — Act with strategy!

Platform Management is a one-time job

Pfft! Platform Management is a continuous process that requires ongoing attention and iteration. As the developers needs, and company goals are constantly evolving, it’s more important than ever to fully understand the challenges involved. Platform Managers need to ‘constantly’ be flexible and adapt their approach accordingly.

Why does the boss always stick to his convictions?

Now, let’s dive into the real heart of platform engineering: needs and convictions. These two elements play a critical role in shaping the direction and priorities of the platform. These needs and convictions can be driven by a variety of factors such as OKRs, quarter goals, technical requirements, developers feedback, and organizational trends.

Convictions refer to deeply held beliefs and opinions that shape decision-making and priorities. For example, a conviction that security is the top priority for a platform may drive the implementation of strict security measures and continuous vulnerability testing.

Needs refer to specific requirements that must be met in order to achieve a particular goal or objective. For example, a need for scalability may drive the development of a platform that can handle large amounts of traffic.

Platforms are dynamic and evolving products, and they require ongoing maintenance, updates, and improvements to keep up with changing NEEDS and CONVICTIONS.

Both needs and convictions are important to consider in platform engineering as they help to define the goals, requirements, and priorities of the platform and guide decision-making throughout this never ending platform development process.

Final advices

To be a successful Platform Engineering Manager, you have to to balance short-term goals with a long-term vision. As Steve Jobs said,

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

You must know how to innovate only when it is necessary. Make the right choices. By embracing strong product mindset and being aware of the common misconceptions, platform engineering managers can lead the way and create a bright future for their organizations. You want to be a manager or are you already one? Be brave, and try to make others understand your role.

A good book to help you become a master 😎

It is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest ideas in the field…

Skills must be continuously honed, tested, and expanded, or they will diminish

By reading books and resources on platform engineering, future managers can expand their knowledge and improve their skills. Books can be a great source of inspiration, here just one recommendation:

“A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win” by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford

The Phoenix Project — This book is a must-read for anyone in the tech industry, especially platform engineers. It’s a fictional story that provides a deep dive into the world of IT operations. It will give you a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in platform engineering, and provide a roadmap for success.

So, there you have it folks! A ‘crash course’ in platform engineering. To become a master in the art of Platform Engineering Management, it’s crucial to understand that there are a multitude of potential ‘pitfalls’ that can arise, including making the wrong technology choices, neglecting security measures, failing to integrate different components, and neglecting ongoing maintenance and support. Remember, technology is always evolving, so keep learning and adapting!

What to understand the challenges for leading a Platform Engineering team, read my previous article. And if you found this one helpful or interesting, please consider sharing it with your friends or colleagues, or contacting the author to learn more. I would love to hear from you! ❤ — Clement Hussenot



Clement Hussenot-Desenonges

Over 15 years experience designing resilient & scalable infras, I worked for several startups... and hope you'll enjoy my ideas and point of view on Tech.