One Resolution to Rule Them All

Cianna P. Stewart
3 min readDec 30, 2018

As the New Year looms, many of us can’t figure out how to answer the question, “So, any resolutions this year?”

This indecision is totally understandable. Right when the nights are shortest and (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) the weather is the coldest and the holidays can be littered with emotional landmines, we decide it’s a good idea to look at our shortcomings and unachieved intentions kicking off a spiral of self-flagellation.

We then decide that this year, for sure, we are going to do something about it. Time to decide on a resolution.

But which of our myriad shortcomings to focus on first?

And so begins “analysis paralysis” — getting lost in the rabbit hole of questioning Why We Continue To Do That Thing so that we can figure out The Thing We Need To Change. All this analysis might then load us up with “decision fatigue” — where we’re worn out after making many choices leading to poor quality thinking. For many of us we then check out. For others we double down and decide on huge daunting (but this year you’ll totally do them I’m sure) resolutions to Do ALL The Things. We only tell our friends about one or two because we don’t want to sound crazy while inside we’re sure that we can also do a few more because we are determined this time.

I am here to offer you a way out of that spiral. Or, more accurately, a tiny magic key that will help you to find your own way out all the time forever.



Cianna P. Stewart

Cianna is the author of “No Complaints: How to Stop Sabotaging Your Own Joy,” and the founder of the No Complaining Project