How AI Will Revolutionize The Interior Design Industry?

Ciao Green
4 min readJul 16, 2019


Remember those days when we had no clue about how much time will it take for us to reach a new destination? But now we have google maps to the rescue. With it, no place is unknown to us. Also, amazon’s Alexa? You just need to tell her the task and she will do it within seconds. And of course, we all are familiar with the famous dating app Tinder, which helps to find our perfect match. Right?

Ever wondered how are they able to answer all your queries and make life easier and better?

The answer to this is the most hyped word “Artificial Intelligence”(AI). Artificial Intelligence is known as the intelligence possessed by the machines. AI assists us in every area, whether we are searching for a direction or our life-partner, AI is always there for recommendations. By 2025, AI will capture almost every industry.

We all have this misconception about AI that it will destroy the humans with Robots, as seen in the famous movie “The Terminator”. But luckily AI’s proving to be a lot more helpful and a lot less destructive.

AI and Interior designer:

Although interior design isn’t the first thing that comes to our mind when we consider the use of AI, it just has as much potential for growth with technological integration as any other industry.

The introduction of AI in the field of interior designing seems to point towards creating a synergy between the client and the designer by linking the client’s ideas and designer’s visualization.

It is bridging the gap between the client and the professional.

The process involves collecting data from the client regarding their choice and then connecting them to like-minded interior designers for better guidance.

AI can assist design teams by enhancing and reducing overall lead times, and expand their creative discovery by analyzing and remembering insights from thousands of images and videos using computer vision. These designers can also more easily find how they can integrate trending colors, key patterns, and styles.

It’s about reducing a time-consuming, resource-intensive, manual process, or blowing up that research element by providing access to much wider sources than ever before. Consumers, on the other hand, can expect better product availability and near-perfect personalization

“Currently, only professional designers know about design rules and techniques. Our vision is to empower everyone to become interior designers with an app that combines AI with virtual reality.”

Finalizing a design can be a tedious process where the designers meet the client, the client discuss their ideation. Then they again meet and discuss further until the design is finalized. It is hence, a very lengthy process and requires a lot of manual work from the designers. This can also be error-prone sometimes due to miscommunication.

But with AI your interior designer will be just a click away. No need to travel far for your client’s requirement.

AI is good at recognizing and describing objects in images and real-time space, and if there’s no good data to train with, it will create.

For customers who have trouble finding or producing the data needed to power computer vision systems, it has pioneered a technique to create ‘synthetic data’ from 3D models of objects. The models are built and render with thousands of possible lighting conditions, backgrounds, and camera angles- giving near-infinite data.

By combining artificial intelligence with modern Augmented Reality techniques, it is possible to show an accurate 3D model of the furniture in the environment.

AI technologists will continue to push the envelope in 2019, developing new design platforms and tools that help to bridge the understanding between man and machine.

To Sum Up…

Connecting with humans is the real future of interior design. Taking the time to see your client, to understand your client and to be an advocate for your client is not something that AI can do. That is something only a designer can do. Hence AI cannot replace Interior Designers but it can surely be a helping hand for the industry.

For some trendy interior design for your commercial space connect with us.

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