This is Your Sign To Get Your Sh*t Together…AGAIN!

Ciara Rayshall
5 min readJun 11, 2022


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

It’s official-with 424 million new users online spending an average of 3 hours a day on social media we live in a complete social society! Hell- you’re probably reading this from a link you clicked within an app that directed you to this one…Without a doubt, we all see the same meme’s on Instagram, the quotes on Pinterest, and now even the aesthetically pleasing videos dubbed with inspiring audio that creatively deliver the same message; GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND GET TO WORK! Yet, we double-tap the heart, have a 3 second ponder about how we could apply that same pressure to our own lives, and keep on scrolling as if the passion we have inside doesn’t exist beyond what we’ve just seen. Then, after the apps are closed, we battle internally with disappointment, anger, and doubt when we find ourselves again still unsatisfied with the status of our lives. It’s no secret that social media although progressive leaves room for comparison to creep into our minds, but isn’t its original function to simply inspire?

How can we continue to blame the machine for the work we don’t execute? Is it Instagram’s fault that we didn’t do the inner work to be confident in our self-esteem? Can we blame the DIY influencer for setting a schedule to produce her reels each week? Why do we hate how cohesive that new business shows up every day on our feed? Truth is those images, quotes, and videos are working as the creative sign our souls’ agenda identifies with to motivate our movement, so why don’t we move…

For some, hustle is life. Creating new projects comes easy, starting an online boutique from nothing is a breeze! But for those of us who took a while to find focus and have never been taught the tools of discipline, we require more road map assistance from idea to finish. And let’s be clear, despite what the world says- that’s okay! Discipline is mastered from habit, habit is built from beginning. In the spirit of positive thinking, it doesn’t mean you’re lazy, unworthy, or inadequate. You just need to start with a descriptive plan of action- the dream alone just isn’t enough.

So what’s the plan? How do we escape from the habit of simply dreaming and master the discipline to maintain our greatness?

1. Write The Vision.

Writing each aspect of the life you desire will assist you in making it a reality. Without a clear vision of your forever lifestyle, it’s easy to be pulled into various projects and situations daily that align with the dreams of others instead of your own.

2. Believe In Your Bullseye.

In a game of darts, although the surrounding rings gain points towards a win, the target located directly in the middle of the board is the main objective in the game. Accurately hitting the target requires a sharpness of both the eye and the throw but most importantly it requires BELIEF. We have to believe so much in our dreams, ideas, and aspirations that we apply that 150% without a doubt focus on every action connected to making them all come true.

3. Remove Comparison.

Constantly relying on the creativity of someone else make you just that- someone else. Trusting that your unique voice is needed and necessary to the world around you is half the battle. So what if that dance is being performed all over TikTok, that isn’t a reason for you not to try recreating it. It hasn’t been blessed with your flavor!

4. Plan Before You Work.

Most creative thinkers can compute up to 10 great creative ideas in less than 5 minutes. That’s 2 ideas per minute! It’s a blessing to the mind, but a curse of productivity when there is no thought-out plan attached to what you imagine. By fueling sporadic thoughts, you’ll find yourself creating to compete with a trend, then failing to consistently show up. Set aside time to write your ideas down before you put anything into motion. Purchasing an idea notebook, or creating an excel spreadsheet with desired deadlines and logistics will foster more completed ideas as you benchmark your progress.

5. Effective Phone Usage.

In every cellphone or tablet, there are productivity tools to keep you on track with your goals. Try setting alarms, reminders, and calendar events that align with your projects to ensure you stay on track. Eliminating the opportunity for a snooze sends the message to your brain that this task can not be held off for another time. Keep your promise to yourself and execute what you set out to accomplish. When it comes to social media, utilizing the screen-time timer setting limits the time frame you have access to social and entertainment applications. Make an intentional effort to use those apps for growth instead of leisure during your allowed times. If you are on Instagram, choose to build your influence by reaching out to accounts you admire for 10 minutes. Share a positive inspiring story on Facebook that will uplift those who follow you. Engage with your friends’ business pages by reposting their content to help someone other than yourself.

6. Subtract Distractions, Add Accountability.

Yes, the friends and family that make you feel uncomfortable when talking about your plans are a distraction. Mustering up the courage to change the dynamic of those relationships, or decline that baby shower invite until you finish your podcast idea sheet is creative self-care! True supporters of your growth will celebrate that you are attempting to master your craft and even hold you accountable to your word. Research groups or meet-ups that have the same interest as you, so you can connect with individuals that will relate to your passions. Surrounding yourself with like-minded friends will boost your confidence, and push you to advance further.

7. Self-Affirm.

It’s a natural human desire for our peers, and family to celebrate what we’re passionate about but not everyone will give you the reactions you need when sharing your ideas. Adding self-affirming routines into your everyday activities will keep you grounded and connected to your truth. You have to believe your ideas are dope AF even if no one else does! Continually check in with yourself asking “Am I doing this project for outward validation or is this a true inward passion? Remember, no one knows the battles you fight internally, and no one can tame that fire desire inside of you but YOU! Creating to impress is death, speak life into your dreams no matter the amount of support you have.

In a society like ours, opportunity and reach are literally in the palm of our hands. There are signs directly shouting purpose in our faces through the creativity around us…..will we continue complaining about the life we want while living the life we have irresponsibly, or are we diving into getting sh*t done!

all love,


