Steps That Are involved in Brand Identity Design, a client should know

Cidemontage Studios
3 min readMar 22, 2023

As a brand identity Design Studio, working on a brand identity design for a client can be an exciting and challenging experience.

Developing a strong brand identity involves a series of steps that require a deep understanding of the client’s values, mission, target audience, and market trends.

In this article, I will guide you through the process of working on a brand identity design for a client.

Kapferer Brand Identity Prism Concept

Step 1: Research and Discovery

The first step in the brand identity design process is to conduct research and discovery. This involves getting to know the client and their business, identifying their unique selling proposition (USP), and researching their target audience and competitors.

During this phase, it’s essential to collect as much information as possible about the client, including their vision, mission, values, and goals. This information will guide the design process and ensure that the final design aligns with the client’s objectives.

Step 2: Define the Brand’s Personality

The next step is to define the brand’s personality. This involves creating a brand persona that embodies the brand’s values, voice, and tone. The brand persona should be based on the research and discovery phase and reflect the client’s vision and goals.

The brand persona will guide the design process by providing a framework for the design elements, including color, typography, and imagery.

Step 3: Develop Concepts and Presentations

Once the brand persona is defined, it’s time to develop concepts and presentations. This involves creating different design options based on the brand persona and presenting them to the client for feedback.

The design options should reflect the brand’s personality, values, and goals, and provide a range of options for the client to choose from. During this phase, it’s essential to listen to the client’s feedback and make any necessary changes to the design.

Step 4: Refine the Design

After presenting the design options to the client and receiving feedback, it’s time to refine the design. This involves making any necessary changes to the design based on the client’s feedback and refining the final design.

During this phase, it’s important to keep in mind the client’s brand persona and ensure that the final design aligns with the client’s vision and goals.

Step 5: Create Brand Guidelines

Once the final design is approved, it’s time to create brand guidelines. Brand guidelines are a set of rules and guidelines that outline how the brand should be represented across all touchpoints, including print materials, packaging, websites, and social media.

Brand guidelines ensure that the brand remains consistent and recognizable over time and provide a framework for future brand identity design projects.

In conclusion, working on a brand identity design for a client involves a series of steps that require a deep understanding of the client’s values, mission, target audience, and market trends. By conducting research and discovery, defining the brand’s personality, developing concepts and presentations, refining the design, and creating brand guidelines, designers can create a strong brand identity that reflects the client’s vision and goals.

