Guest Blog: CIH Careers Week: Chantelle Miller

CIH Futures
3 min readMar 4, 2018


Chantelle looks back on her first 10 years in the social housing sector and gives her top 5 tips on breaking into management

My career in housing began 10 years ago. I decided after having my first chid that I did not want to return to banking, so I applied for a trainee role at Tuntum Housing Association — and was successful. I quickly realised that the housing sector was dynamic and presented countless opportunities not only to learn new skills but to really make a difference to people’s lives. So I rolled my sleeves up, got stuck in and have never looked back!

Over the years, I have been promoted from Trainee Housing Administrator to Housing Assistant to Housing Officer. I secured my first management position in June 2017, and now as Senior Housing Officer I have line management responsibility for six members of staff.

So the burning question I hear you ask is…

How did you do it?

Well here are my Top 5 Tips on how to break into management…

1. Perform

Do your job well. Take pride in your work, put in the effort to achieve targets and go the extra mile. Excellent performance does not go unnoticed, and hard work will reap rewards. Keep up to date with good practice in the sector and share your knowledge and skills with your team.

2. Lead

You don’t need to be a manager to be a leader. You can be inspirational to colleagues within your team, or below or above you in your organisation’s hierarchy. Lead by example — be positive, approachable and supportive; perform well and encourage others to do the same. Celebrate team members’ successes and work together to address challenges.

3. Develop

Take ownership of your own training and development — snap up any opportunities you can find. Put yourself forward for courses or events that will aid your own personal development as well as the organisation as a whole. Be willing to learn and apply what you learn to the day job. Don’t be afraid to show your ambition to your line manager. Try to attend at least one conference a year as relationships with peers in the sector — and the tips and advice they can offer — are gold dust!

4. Improve

Always be on the lookout for ways to improve your current work practices, and don’t be shy about making suggestions or voicing an opinion. A Senior Management Team will notice your passion for your work and for your organisation, and appreciate a staff member who is solution-focused.

5. Don’t be afraid!

This one really is my top tip! Don’t shy away from taking on a little more responsibility (even though you might not get paid for it right away!) Step out of your comfort zone — it’s the only way to get practical experience and learn new skills. Get involved in things outside of your role, take on challenges above and beyond your job description. You’ll learn more by exposing yourself to new experiences, and you’ll find more opportunities to improve yourself and your organisation. Plus it definitely keeps the day job interesting!




CIH Futures

The housing sector needs professionals. Whoever they are, wherever they are and we’ll drive to create, develop and support them.