Form of Loyalty and Seriousness of Nexxus rewards

Calla Cilli
4 min readSep 30, 2019


Although currently the use value of fiat currencies has begun to decline with the presence of digital currency innovations. But now fiat currencies are still standardized as the main measurement of the value of digital currencies. The fiat currency of use will indeed never be displaced by any type of digital currency. This is because each country does have its own currency which is used as an identity for its financial management. Like 1 Nexxus token that is recorded as equivalent to 1 USD. In addition, this is also caused because fiat currency is the currency that is authorized by the highest authority of financial authority in a country, while the digital currency is authorized by its management. Therefore we can say that fiat currencies have a higher legality value than digital currencies.

NXX is a designation for tokens launched by Nexxus rewards, which at present it has a concentration in the field of shopping rewards programs. Did you know that the shopping rewards program is one of the main attractions in all types of sales. This program is also referred to as a form of seller loyalty to its customers. If you have an online store in a number of e-commerce sites. Then you can work with Nexxus rewards to increase sales. This is of course also caused by some of the founders and a team of experts who previously had experience in marketing and also had high flying hours in the field of business consultants.

It is not an easy thing for salespeople or business consultants to increase selling points. Certainly the quality of products and services will also be a mainstay for this increase. But now the market also urges us to always do creative and innovative promotional techniques. Not infrequently information about price cuts more intensively announced on various social media platforms. In addition there are also sellers who take bold steps in spending a number of funds that are used for promotion or product introduction, of course with large amounts. If the discount is considered a form of seller loyalty. So spending fantastic funds to succeed a variety of promotional techniques, we can call it one form of seriousness of the sellers in entering the market. This is certainly evident from the way Nexxus rewards prioritizes the allocation of funds for the management of sales staff by 50% of the total funds spent.

Increased cashback must also be in harmony with the quality and quality of products or services. If this is not maintained, the increase in the number of sales will only be temporary. As a seller, of course we can interpret what the discounted price is for. If to introduce a product, then you will always work together to maintain the quality of the product. In addition there is also a meaning to spend inventory in the warehouse, then the main thing you will do is how to reach the break point event point. Did you know that all of this is actually not only done to increase profitability. But besides that also to maintain the stability of profitability. It’s useless if the seller’s profitability experiences a drastic increase in one month. However, a decline in the following month. This of course will also result in goods or services being traded can be withdrawn from the market. If this happens, the seller or producer must start all planning and processes from the beginning again. Therefore, maybe there are currently a lot of platforms that offer increased profitability like Nexxus rewards. However, carefulness in seeing opportunities and accuracy in management is also very much needed. Therefore we can say that all of these items have a mutually sustainable function if run simultaneously.

Market opportunity is a demand for goods or services that have increased in certain market conditions or seasons. For example if you have a supermarket that sells a variety of goods, which are usually grouped into basic needs and not basic needs. The goods which are classified as basic necessities have a stable marketing value. However, there are also goods that are not basic needs, will also experience an increase in sales in certain market conditions. Therefore you can establish a partnership with Nexxus rewards in terms of cashback management or exchange. Where the prize program can be exchanged for various types of fiat and digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. This shows that Nexxus rewards is an effective, economical and safe shopping reward program service platform.

Thank you





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ETH: 0xc8670afc0f1670665473f012579b56d8944168f4

BTT URL:;u=2539782;sa=summary

