Sirius X, Transportation Application Blockchain Technology

Calla Cilli
3 min readNov 17, 2019

Sirius X is a Blockhain technology platform that provides tourism services, where users can make all kinds of bookings for the most complete travel services for any country the user wants to visit. Where the platform will provide various forms of service orders such as ordering airplane tickets, buses, apartment hotels, cruises, and tickets for certain events held by various countries around the world. Users can make these orders at any time and anywhere without a certain time limit, besides the Sirius X platform will also provide all forms of service using a low cost. So the platform will enable its users to be able to realize their dream vacation.

The Sirius X platform will also provide transaction payment cards to users to make transactions easier. Where the card is named SiriusX card, which card will also be protected by using a PIN and Sirius X wallet, which card will be linked by scanning the QR code printed on the card to SiriusX digital wallet. Not only that, the card can also be linked to various digital wallets that support ERC-20 utility tokens such as, Trustwallet, Metamask, MyEtherwallet and so on. In addition, the Sirius X card can also make anonymous transactions quickly, even has faster access from credit or debit cards provided by financial institutions such as banks. Where the card will accept payments using crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

Not only that, Sirius X also provides social media services to make it easy for users to find information about the trip they want to take. Where Sirius X will provide the SiriusX chat site as a forum to connect users with other users, through which the users can request information, provide information, interact and provide reviews about what is needed by other users on the site. Not only that, Sirius X will also give prizes to users who provide information, interact and reviews for other users, which prizes will be given by Sirius X in the form of SRX tokens.

In addition, Sirius X will also provide other social media features such as the Sirius X Blog, where the blog site can be functioned like social media in general. Where users can upload profiles, share experiences about travel and share their important moments and can be used as a reference for other users. In addition, Sirius X will also give prizes to users of the Blog site, if the posts uploaded to the blog site get a lot of likes, comments, and shares from users. Where the prize given by Sirius X will also be an SRX token.

Sirius X has also issued tokens called SRX tokens, which tokens are ECR-20 utility tokens and currently has a total supply of tokens of 100,000,000 SRX tokens. Where the token can be used as the main token that will be used to purchase products or services provided by the Sirius X platform.

Surely it is not an easy thing to build a Blockchain technology platform that has high quality, which in addition to requiring very sophisticated technology, certainly also requires highly qualified human resources. Where it is also owned by the Sirius X platform, which platform already has quality human resources, which can also make the Sirius X platform also qualified, like Patrick Scheiter who is a Co-Founder & COO, Peter Metzler who is based as Co-Founder & CFO. Furthermore Daniel Kirchgesner as a software engineer and CTO, Philipp Salanta as a business developer, Sebastian Pinca as a Blockchain developer, Selina Grigat as head of marketing, Faraz Moeini as UI / UX designer and Jonas Scherrer as community manager.

By providing a variety of travel offers that are complete, easy and affordable, this platform will certainly attract consumers to use the services / products provided by the platform. Therefore, the Sirius X platform can be said to be the platform that provides the most reliable travel services in the future.

Sirius X information



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