Adventure #2: Toronto Eaton Centre

Cindia Ke
5 min readJul 25, 2019


The day in which I don’t need to go to work has come upon me. So, the question becomes, where? Do I visit another gallery? or perhaps a museum? I planned on going to Allan Gardens Conservatory, but my friends had other plans. I and a few others decided to go to the beach. Sounds fun right? Right. But, a problem arose, I don’t own anything beach related. I’m not talking about beach balls or those beach chairs, I’m talking about the simple stuff, clothes. This may be hard to believe but, I don’t own any shorts or swimwear, and if I do, they don’t fit me anymore (of course the exception would be my PJs, but I ain’t going to the beach in PJs). So, I thought to myself, what a wonderful time to do some shopping, and oh boi did I.

My morning began similarly to what happened during my previous adventure, but with the addition of breakfast, just scrambled eggs. I was off to Dundas Station and luckily this time, I did not spill coffee onto myself. Amazing me. Speaking of coffee, the barista at the Starbucks near Finch Station actually spelled my name right without me having to verbally spell my name out. Last time my name was Sindya (or was it Syndya, I forgot but there were too many Ys). And this time it was my actual name, Cindia. How did this godsend spell my name the way it was supposed to be spelled and not Cynthia something similar. *Fun Fact: my name was supposed to be Cynthia, but the adults in my mom’s delivery room didn’t know how to spell it.* The Asian barista that got arms for days, thank you from the bottom of my heart for spelling my weird, unique-ish name right. Thank you.

After an hour ride, I was at my destination. I immediately exited the station and into the mall of Eaton. The first thing that caught my eyes was Lush, and boi you better believe it was gonna be the last place I entered before going back home to forget the anger of shopping for clothes. I then entered the next store that caught my eye, H&M. I stayed for a good 45 minutes. I only brought a blouse. It was an off-the-shoulder kind of blouse, but I got it in a size smaller so that when I didn’t what off-the-should it kinda stayed on the shoulder. Best of both worlds.

From the H&M website.
It’s a me, Mario, I mean me.

After H&M, it became a blur to find some shorts and swimwear, just the top cause other bikini bottoms just ain’t for me, I can deal with wet shorts thank you very much. After visiting some stores, it came down to two in terms of shorts, American Eagle and Garage. I decided American Eagle since the shorts were more comfortable and the fact that their good weren’t dirty and if they were, they were in stock. The maddening part came when I tried to find swimwear. Every store I went to either had bad designs or nothing in my size. I even tried a bikini village. *Fun Fact: I got a large chest, so… “Sorry, we don’t carry that size in-store” my life story in terms of intimates and anything similar.* So, I had to compromise between design and fit. I got a swim top at Hollister. Wanted the stripped one, but dealt with the solid colour one. *Fun Fact: it was a size XL so it was a miracle they even had it, cause the “don’t carry that size in store.”* After finally purchasing my items, it was past 3. I spent 3 hours in a mall and bought 3 things. Wonderful. Amazing. And now was the end of my journey, but wait, LUSH. Boi, I ran my butt to the store to come to a disappointment when they didn’t have their ocean scrub. Oh well, hello Rub Rub Rub. At the time I was in Lush, a crowd of yelling people passed by, it looked like they were celebrating, what? I have no idea. Why? IDK, but all I know was that they were excited and they were heading to Dundas Station or at least through. Probably heading to Yonge-Dundas Square. After buying my lush product, I saw Muji.

There has been the hype about Muji pens, but I don’t care for them honestly. I have better pens, I have fountain pens. I don’t need no gell pen just a cheap one when I gotta speed right during a test and I get those for free, somehow. I also don’t see the hype about their notebooks. I don’t like their notebooks. The only notebook I like is the one that comes in a package and that you can’t open.

From Muji website

The notebooks you find under the pens are just, no. When you open them they don’t stay flat. No matter how hard you try, it ain’t going flat. So, I don’t like them. As you can tell, I’m picky about the stationaries I buy. Everything else is fine like the whiteout but god those notebooks, so bendy I can’t take it. I also saw that they sold fountain pens. I didn’t buy it but it seemed like a good fountain pen to get started, a toe in the water. After buying some notebooks and mechanical pencils, their mechanical pencils are pretty good, I was done. It was time to go home, and just like last time, I almost fell asleep on the ride.

For my next adventure I plan on actually going to Allan Gardens, but let’s see what happens.

