Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2018

The core of any great project is always people who make the unique ideas come true. Our next article is dedicated to one of the CINDX team members.


Tech Lead

Ibraghim Haniev has garnered a large amount of commercial work experience. He began programming at nine years of age and opened his studio at 15, which he managed for four years.

During the time spent managing his studio, Ibraghim filled roles in all positions of the development sphere. In addition to delivering other services in support of the company, built a team of developers, and saw turnkey projects through to completion.

Because of his experience in such a wide variety of professional roles, Ibraghim has a keen sense of exactly which tasks each member of a team needs to complete for an operation to run smoothly.

In addition to the technical skills that he has garnered during his career, Ibraghim has also developed expertise in soft skills. He is an excellent manager, and great communicator — he has honed his ability to communicate with contractors and developers, ensuring that they have everything they need to thoroughly and efficiently complete their tasks.

Ibraghim’s team has risen to the challenge: it has already managed to create CINDX’s MVP.

The MVP was completed so thoroughly that CINDX is ready to display it publicly. This is the only known case in which a company is ready to perform MVP before starting ICO.

We asked Ibraghim to share his opinion about CINDX.

“The most promising area of blockchain technology that is already being widely disruptive, is the blockchain financial industry. The potential for new projects coming in to the this sector is overwhelming.

Crypto asset management fraud has cost investors tens of billions of dollars over the past few years, and until now it was very difficult to see how that was going to change.

I think that CINDX have come up with the answer. By integrating this technology into the platform, and widening the market for crypto asset management by appealing to the growing number of crypto users I believe that CINDX will be a home-run in the crypto investment market.”


CINDX is an investment platform that allows individuals to combine several crypto exchange accounts into one trading terminal, and gives them the option to connect to the best managers without having to transfer their funds. Moreover, implementation of blockchain-based transactions will allow the trading history to be saved, and a rating system will be used to differentiate the successful managers from the less successful ones.

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CINDX - a fund management hub to prosper in crypto