Cindy Boogle
3 min readApr 22, 2017


Peeing is essential for survival, but a problem with the same can be devastating. Urinary incontinence is one major problem that every man and woman face in their lives. Easyfit Adult diapers and Adult pull-ups are one of the best incontinence product available online. Incontinence can cause pain or burning sensation in your bladder. You may feel the urge to urinate again and again. Unintentional urine loss is also one common symptom of urinary incontinence.

You cannot tend to avoid these symptoms because urinary incontinence will not only affect your bladder but also other organs. Here are some basic Yoga postures that can be very helpful for people suffering from incontinence:

  1. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Step 1: Stand with both your feet facing forward.

Step 2: Now move your hands above your head and inhale while moving your hands up.

Step 3: Now exhale and bend move your hands down. Bend your knees while moving your hands down.

Step 4: Press your shoulders down and breathe for 3 to 6 times.

Step 5: Now to release this posture, slowly inhale and straighten your legs. Next slowly exhale and bring your hands down.

Chair pose

2. Triangle Pose(Trikonasana):

Step 1: Stand straight with your feet wide apart such that they make a triangle with the floor.

Step 2: Align center of your right heel to center arch of your left foot and inhale.

Step 3: When you exhale air out bend your body down towards right side and touch your right feet with your right hand. Point your left hand towards sky.

Step 4: Breathe deeply when you are in this pose.

Step 5: To release this pose inhale slowly and come up and put your hands back to normal position.

Triangle pose

3. Squat Pose(Malasana):

Step 1: Stand with your feet little wide apart. Don’t stretch too much.

Step 2: Keep your toes pointing forward.

Step 3: Now slowly bend your knees till your hips are lower than your knees.

Step 4: Join your hands and try to raise your heart up in the sky, stretch your back and then spin.

Step 5: To release this position, sit back on your buttocks and stand.

This aasan should not be done by people having knee problems.

Sqaut pose

Precautions :

All these aasans should be done with the help of trained persons and should be discussed with doctor before doing it.

Stop the exercise if you feel weak, dizzy or light-headed.

Consult a doctor if you have unexplained weight gain or swelling.

