Jago Last Wish: UI/UX Case Study

Cindy Fakhrani
5 min readOct 4, 2022


Disclaimer: This project is part of Kominfo Digitalent Professional Academy UI/UX Training Program in collaboration with Skilvul and Jago as a challenge partner. I neither work for nor in contract with Jago.

About Jago

Jago is a digital financial service platform that focuses on creating life-centric financial solutions. Jago integrates with multiple digital players, creating seamless experience for its users. Having successfully created an application that makes financial management easy, Jago now wants to add more innovative feature that will help its users’ plan and anticipate unforeseen events in the future that may affect the livelihoods and/or well-being of their families. However, products related to it is usually perceived in a negative manner, and Jago wants this to change. Therefore, rather than simply selling a life insurance product, Jago would like to provide a solution that will help to support its users’ lifestyle and help them achieve their life goals.


The objective of this project is to create a prototype for the digital will and life insurance feature called Jago Last Wish, with the following 4 main features to be included in the prototype proposal:

  1. Easy steps for making a will.
  2. An easy way to calculate the required commitment fee for the desired form of will.
  3. Management of commitments made and editing of wills.
  4. Gamification or creative ways related to a healthy lifestyle that can reduce the cost of the monthly commitment.

My Role On The Team

In this project, I work in a team of 4, and I am humbled to have been chosen as the team leader, but overall we all share the same responsibilities. Although I do not have prior knowledge about UI/UX Design, I try to implement what I know about leading a project from my role at my current company while also learning and collaborating in the process of making this UI/UX Design.

My responsibilities and contributions to the team include:

  • Lead and direct discussions related to UI/UX Design.
  • Brainstorming ideas.
  • Conduct user research.
  • Create user flow, wireframe, and protoype.

Design Process

Throughout this project we conduct a non-linear design process by using Design Thinking as an approach. This approach consist of 5 phases:

1 — Empathize

The main goal of this first stage is to understand user’s needs by empathizing towards users’ experiences, motivations, and problems. The method used in this stage is secondary research to obtain insights into the users’ world by analyzing reviews about similar products from Jago’s competitors. From this stage we understand that users:

Secondary Research Result

2 — Define

In this stage, we gather ideas about features, functions, and other elements that can provide a solution to the problems that we have identified in the previous stage. First, we analyze the information gathered from our secondary research and identify & narrowed down the user pain points. Second, we ask “How Might We?” solve user pain points.

  • “How might we give peace of mind to our users that their loved ones are taken care of in the event of their untimely death?”
  • “How might we change the negative perception of planning for our death into something inspiring, optimistic, and sincere?”
  • “How might we focus more on celebrating life instead of thinking about death while at the same time being ready to leave without worry?”
Define Stage — Pain Points & How Might We

3 — Ideate

This phase often overlaps with the first two stages. However, in this stage we try to provide a solution towards the pain points and the “How Might We” questions. In this stage, we narrowed it down even more with one main question: How might we make it easier for users to plan for the unexpected by providing life insurance products and will making service? From this, we move on to brainstorming session where we generate innovative ideas towards providing the right solution. We first categorized the feature that we would like to build, then we divide them based on value and effort. Upon reaching an agreement on which idea to prioritize first, we then started making the user flow to see the journey that the users will go through to achieve their goal. These are the results of our ideation process:

Prioritization Diagram
Proposed User Flow

4 — Prototyping

This method involves producing an early, inexpensive, and scaled down version of the product. The process include creating wireframes, design system, and UI Design. Lastly, to make sure of the practicability of the flow and design, prototyping is necessary so that we can see how users behave with the prototype. Here is the final result for our prototype:

5 — Testing


To wrap things up, we are quite satisfied with the result of our prototype, even though there are things that does not really go as planned or as we imagined it to be. There are a lot of things we wish we could add and improve, but for now this is the best that we could come up with. Still, a solid result given the limited time and experience that we have. Shoutout to the team for all the time and effort given to complete this project despite each of our own personal schedule outside of this program. It is a challenging and a fun journey, and I want to thank Kominfo DTS Pro Academy and Skilvul for organizing this program, and to Jago also for providing this challenge :D

Recommendations for Future Work

Knowledge and interest on will creation and life insurance is still low, therefore it is important to serve this product in a way that will attract the users. Since the product goal is for the user to have any wish they want that can be backed up by a life insurance, clarity about the product is important because I do not think every wish need to be insured. I think it is important for the user to be able to differentiate between Jago Last Wish and Jago Pocket Savings feature. Moreover, to make it more collaborative, I would suggest for this feature to provide vault that can integrate other assets outside of Jago or joint finances between spouse/family members.

