Anybody Home?

Cindy Johnson (CindyTv)
14 min readSep 11, 2023


Wife’s conversation with her crossdressing husband.

Gabriela listening to his wife’s new rules

“Oh, there you are, and look how cute you look today! That is a lovely dress and are those new heels? So pretty.

I’m glad you’re home sweetheart, because we need to talk.

Last week I was thinking about us and realized that it’s been over a year since you came clean and confessed your desire to dress like a girl. You have to admit that I’ve been a good wife, and not only allowed you to express your desires and live your dreams, but what other wives would have helped her husband the way I have?

I mean, really! I’ve encouraged you to lose weight in order to have a passable feminine shape. I’ve taken you shopping for all your clothes and even covered for you when you were nervous about being seen buying dresses, lingerie, and even heels. Remember the look on that one guys face when I had you try on those 4 inch heels in the mall? He was in shock, but I was impressed on how you didn’t let it bother you. I knew when you paid for them and he handed you the bag that your confidence, and acceptance to what you are, had suddenly elevated. It was at that point that I decided to see how far I could take you.

If you remember that’s about the time when I started encouraging you to tell me your fantasies in bed and wow, were they hot. In fact, when you started telling me your fantasies about going further with you cross-dressing, I noticed how our sex was getting really hot. You got so turned on whenever you told me those little details that I wanted more and more sex, because you were so turned on. It was really a good time for me.

Because you were so excited about your fantasy and because I cared for you, I wanted to make your fantasy a reality, and let you realize your dreams. When I thought about the things you told me I felt like it wasn’t that much more than we had already been doing. I mean, you were dressing on the weekends and getting very good with your make-up. With your new figure and the shaping garments, all of the sexy clothing we purchased were now fitting you much better. Since our sex was so hot, I didn’t mind having you as my girlfriend for the weekend. So, the fact that you dreamed of being completely passable, and leaving the house in your girl mode wasn’t all that much different. That’s when I made it my plan to bring you out in the public, and watch you live out your inner desires.

Before I forget, you got a coupon in the mail yesterday from Victoria’s for a free bra. You should take advantage of it baby, they have such a nice selection and I want you to get one of their special push up ones, to help enhance your growing mounds. You need to show a little more skin to help you become even more convincing baby.

Getting back to you becoming all fem and girly, I’m truly happy for you. I was excited that night when I convinced you to go out shopping in your girl mode. I got the biggest kick when you suggested I call you Gabriela, the name you used in all the fantasies you shared.

Gabriela dressed for shopping day

Oh my god! You looked so cute. I remember the day as if it were yesterday. Once you agreed to go and accepted the idea of actually going out all dressed, you became all excited, just like a schoolgirl getting asked out on her first date. The outfit you wore was just darling. Maybe a little overdressed and maybe a little short and sexy for shopping, but I couldn’t resist seeing you all dolled up for your first time out. You were such a good sport to all my demands and did everything I asked, it really was a special day, wasn’t it Gabriela?

I thought you were going to have a heart attack when those guys opened the door to the mall for you, but you just smiled at them, like you’ve been a girl your entire life. You continued to surprise me as I saw how comfortable you were as a girl once you knew that you were passable. It was then I decided to see how far you would allow me to push you into womanhood. I expected you to object when I led you into the nail salon, but you didn’t. I expected you to stop me when I told the girls we wanted a manicure and pedicure and that you needed nail extensions, but you didn’t.

Every chance I had I took in order to let you experience things from your fantasies. It made me happy to see you so enthusiastic and excited, but in the back of my mind I became a little concerned that you might be liking this a little too much. I kept that thought to myself and just wanted to see where this would go, and you didn’t disappoint me baby.

With your new long red nails and pretty painted toenails we walked through the mall stopping at all the shops. I really enjoyed watching you try on outfits and coming out of the fitting room to discuss how they fit, or if I liked the dress or skirt. That really was so much fun. It was like I was out shopping with my best girlfriend. I remember how happy you were when I told you that. The smile on your face was priceless and revealed your inner feelings.

I remembered one of the stories you told me under the covers, about getting your ears pierced and when I saw the jewelry kiosk I decided to see if you would go along with doing just that, getting them pierced. Of course you didn’t object, as you sat up on the girl’s chair as I picked out a starter set of earrings for you. I just had to snap some photos of you sitting in that chair with your legs crossed looking so feminine and pretty. I even remembered to turn on the video recorder on my phone to catch the moment the gold studded earnings were put into both ears. That was just another priceless moment.

Of course, I knew you looked gorgeous and completely passable, which is why I took you out. I would never have risked letting you get mistaken for a guy. I was there to protect you, but what really surprised me was how well you handled yourself that day. When I think back, I should have realized that you had more practice at being dressed than I realized.

Watching you walk so natural in those 4 inch heels and short dress was one thing but watching how you moved your arms and hands really displayed your natural femininity. The way you swayed your hips and every movement only displayed a female.

Several men turned their heads to look at you when you passed them. I think you gave that poor guy in the shoe store a hard-on when he took off your shoes and helped you try on the new heels. You didn’t see me, but I saw you smile, and I know it made you feel good, just like any of us girls would have that day. Yes, you showed me that you really were passable and comfortable to be out as a girl. It was hard for me to believe it was your first time out like that.

The next day you asked me how to take off the long nails because you couldn’t go to work like that, and I just laughed. Your expression was priceless when I told you they were acrylics and were not coming off anytime soon.

What really shocked me was how quick you agreed to the suggestion I made, to call work and take the week off in order to stay dressed as Gabriela for the entire week. I was just joking, but you when you acted so excited about being able to live full time as a girl for the week, I knew in my heart you had much stronger desires.

I’m sure you remember that week honey. The Salon, hair color. highlights, new hair style and going out every night was so much fun. I hadn’t been out with my girlfriends in a long time, and in my mind, you actually became my girlfriend.

Of course, that was the week we stopped having intercourse as husband and wife, as I’m not really into girls, and since you look so pretty, I couldn’t get into having sex with you that way. You were a very enthusiastic pussy licker and you did please me every night. I laughed to myself when I realized that the only way you had to relieve yourself was to jerk off, while I teased you and told you about all the guys checking you out as a girl.

That’s when your deeper desires and fantasies really surfaced. If you recall, you started asking me about the guys that checked you out and if they were good looking. I said they were, and then I made you explain how it turned you on, knowing guys thought you were hot. That’s when you opened up and started telling me that you had fantasied about being chatted up by some cute guy, and even going out on a date and becoming his girlfriend, after he discovered your secret.

It all started to make sense, and then I knew for sure that you had much stronger desires to be feminine then you admitted. I knew there had to be more to the story and that’s when I got very suspicious. It was that following week that I looked up your old girlfriend and met her for coffee. It wasn’t hard to get her to reveal your history with her, you naughty boy.

It seems like you had a similar pattern with her which led to complications with your sex life, ultimately changing and destroying your relationship. She said she couldn’t compete with the girl you became and needed male companionship. As much as she wanted to stay friends, it was too painful and that’s why she left you. Not to different to our relationship today.

My suspicion grew and I started looking at your computer when you were at work and found the sites you visit, the chat rooms you hang out in, and some of the people you talk to. The software I loaded captured every keystroke for the last month, and some of the conversations you’ve had with those guys were very hot, you little slut.

Tell me, do you really want to suck Tom’s cock and let Bob fuck you? I wasn’t totally surprised, but I was a little hurt that you kept your chat rooms friends a secret. In a way I felt like you’ve been cheating on me, and it hurt a little and even made me angry. Of course, I don’t stay angry, I get revenge, but you know that about me baby. I’ll tell you more about that in a minute, but now I just want to recap things to make things clear.

You look so pretty and feminine sitting there in that outfit and your long legs look sexy in your black pantyhose and sky-high heels. Your hair is perfectly feminine and your make up is exquisite. Since you agreed to take those vitamins for the last several months, you’re starting to develop nicely up top, and your figure is just divine.

Now that you’ve changed jobs and work from home, you dress full time as Gabriela and don’t seem to mind that you are not having sex with me anymore, and are simply satisfied with licking my pussy and jerking off in bed. Well I believe that you’re jerking off in your chat rooms, teasing and flirting with all those guys. It’s OK, I get it, and I’ll continue to support you baby.

Look how darling you are, you even keep your nails perfectly manicured, you diet and exercise constantly, and have kept a girlish figure. You flirt and tease men when you’re home alone in those chat rooms, and tell them how you would love to be their girlfriend and take their cocks. I read your history so don’t look so shocked. I have to admit I was stunned when I started reading your conversations. You get so graphic and describe how you would love to suck their cock until their sweet come was in your mouth, and how you would let them fuck you and make love to you whenever they wanted. It makes me wonder if you’ve ever done that with anyone yet. You’ve come a long way from when you just wanted to wear my bra and panties.

Yes, you have become quite a woman and even a little slutty, but I’m happy for you now even though I was sad about losing my husband. I understand your need to become a girl and live out your dreams, which is why what I’m about to tell you doesn’t bother me at all, because I know it’s something you need and won’t do on your own.

When I first found your chat room history, I was stunned like I just said, but I also felt betrayed. Since we don’t make love anymore, It felt like you were cheating on me with those guys and the worst part was that you were keeping it a secret from me, all this time. I was hurt, and furious.

At the same time the manager from the finance department, Brian, continued to hit on me. You remember Brian from last year’s Christmas party and how jealous you got when he kept chatting me up and dancing with me, right?

Well, your cheating with those guys and not making love to me has impacted my confidence. I didn’t feel sexy or pretty anymore, and when Brian continued to compliment me and tell me how pretty I looked every day, I found his attention stimulating and exciting. I loved the thought of being with a real man again. Yes, for the last few months I’ve been having an affair with Brian, and I just love being with him. I can imagine how this makes you feel baby, but you only have yourself to blame. You’ve become so feminine that all I now see is my girlfriend.

Obviously, you understand what it’s like to have men finding you attractive and have them as friends, you already proved that with all your on-line boyfriends. I completely understand your need to be feminine, live as a woman, have relationships with men, albeit just on the internet, but look at me and tell me you don’t have the desire to be with someone that can only truly make you feel like a real woman.

That’s what I thought, and what I’m going to say next is not open for debate. I want you to understand how serious I am about this. At this point you really have no say in this relationship honey. Either you accept your place and accept everything I’m about to lay out for you, or we are done. I’ve given you everything you’ve wanted, and now you will repay me with your loyalty.

If you act up, disobey my plans, or do anything except be the submissive girl you’ve become, I will kick you out of our home, make sure everyone knows your secret, and post all of your photos and videos everywhere. I’m dead serious, and I am urging you to understand your place in our new relationship from today forward.

I will be spending a lot more time with Brian, and you will be understanding to my needs. I’ll expect you to be nice to Brian whenever he comes over. I’ll expect you to thank him every time we go out or when we come back from a date. I want you to thank him for making me happy and fulfilling my needs in ways that you no longer can.

He knows all about you and how you’ve been living. We talk about it often and both of us are happy for you, because you’re getting to live the life you really wanted. And by doing so, you’re allowing him to have me without any constraints. We both expect you to act like my girlfriend, and encourage both of us to have fun and enjoy ourselves. When he’s here, you will stay in the guest room and not bother us unless we request your presence. Whatever we ask from you we will expect you to happily comply.

In return for your loyalty and understanding we will treat you like the girl you’ve dreamed of being, buy you cute outfits, take you out with us, and you will live a very comfortable life as my girlfriend.

But it gets even better baby. It turns out that Brian grew up with a friend that is bi-sexual and loves the photos and videos we’ve shown of you, and he’s anxious to meet you. Oh, and you’ll love this, Brian had a wonderful idea. This holiday weekend he arranged for the four of us to go to the Ritz Carlton.

I’ll be staying with Brian and you’ll be staying with Kyle. I hope you’re ready to give him those blow jobs you’ve been teasing all those guys about, and ready to be turned into a woman once and for all. I’m sure you’ll be enjoying his cock all weekend while I enjoy Brian’s. The best part is we can compare notes, just like all girlfriends do after their dates.

And you’re going to love this. Kyle and Brian both love to golf, so we will all be playing together. I got us the cutest matching little golf outfits with the shortest skirts I could find. I also bought a sexy pink top and matching pink golf shoes. I can’t wait to see the guys staring at us when we bend over to pick up our golf balls, and when we swing the clubs. I bet both of us will be rubbing their hard cocks in the golf carts on every hole.

Yes sweetheart, your little desire to wear my panties really turned out great for both of us. You get to be the girl you’ve always wanted to be, and I get a new girlfriend and the chance to be with strong men again.

One more thing to consider. We can’t afford your little dicky to be getting hard wearing all the sexy outfits I’ve got for you, and I have an idea. If you’re going to be a girl, and be with a guy all weekend, I’m sure he doesn’t want to see your little thing accidentally popping up, so after doing some research I got you this little chastity cage that will keep you from getting hard. From what I read; it will prevent that from happening. If we combine that with a tight pantie, I think you’ll look wonderful in all of your outfits. The cage will also prevent you from cuming, and it will make you even more horny and excited over the entire weekend. I’ve read that it will make you more loving to your date, and more accepting to his advances.

Gabriela Shocked by their new relationship

Gabriela, don’t look so shocked! I know what’s best for you, and we both know that you’ll just love being the girl and having men fawning all over you. I can’t wait to see you kissing, walking hand in hand, getting all lovey and kissy-face, while I’m with my new boyfriend. I’m sure you’ll also love watching your wife in the arms of another man and not being able to do anything about it, while you sit there in your short skirt, revealing top, pantyhose, heels and makeup, trying to pay attention to your very own man.”



Cindy Johnson (CindyTv)

I am a fun loving, positive gurl, that enjoys writing about NSFW Cheating Wives tales, Revenge, Reconciliation, Love, Crossdressing, Getting Caught, and more...