Shrawan Kumar
2 min readJan 3, 2020


How To Choose Best Domain Names 2020

To Rank a Website Domain is the one of most important thing (I believe). Yes, You can Rank any Domain on Google with little hard work but I think if, in Domain Name is Included your Micro-Nich Keyword then it will Increase your Page and Website Rank.

So, Here The Some Point That you should always be Remembered whenever you buy a Domain Name.

  • You Should have To Include Keyword in your Domain Name.

Yes, That is Very Important Point you should have to include your Keyword on your Domain. For Example — I want Create Blog Website to teach Seo. So I will Buy Domain like these,,, That means My main keyword is Seo, I want to Rank my post and website on SEO keyword.

  • Buy Domain Name that is Attractive And Easy To Remember.

I think it is important because your user will always remember your Website Name.

  • Domain Name Extensions.

I tell you to go with .com domain extension if you want to Rank it is globally or you want rank it in a perticular country like India, US, Canada, then go with ccTLD (Country Code Top-level Domain).

This is an Additional Thing — if your Starting Micro-Nich Blog then you can Buy .Org,, .net and etc.

Note: This post is not written by Profession Blogger, Digital Marketer, Seo Experts. Here Just Sharing my Own Personal Blogging Experience And What I knew.



Shrawan Kumar

Hey, My Name is Shrawan. Here I'm Sharing What I know about Online Earning, Blog, And SEO.