PinnedSeize the Opportunity to Invest in the CINEMADROM Metaverse — Transforming Film and Blockchain with!🎯 SUPER BONUS: For all buyers $MVH token in of Pre-Sales #3, there is an AirDrop of MVH and DEFL in the amount of 100% of the purchase…Dec 9, 2024Dec 9, 2024
Welcome in AI Movie BREAKING Mini App!Mine and get AI Movie BREAKING (DEFL) token in Mini App Telegram on the TON blockchain for free, for the world’s first AI movie in the…Oct 7, 2024Oct 7, 2024
Have you ever dreamed of watching a movie in a virtual world?🎞 Have you ever dreamed of watching a movie in a virtual world, where you can interact with characters, explore different environments and…Feb 14, 2024Feb 14, 2024
🌈 The first NFT Movie Marketplace !💥💥💥 The CINEMADROM metaverse and “MovieLand” DAO launched the first NFT Movie Marketplace. Welcome to the world of dreams and profit…Feb 1, 2024Feb 1, 2024
🎞 Take the NFT Movie and Get your 1000 MovieCash (MVH)🖥 Watch the frame from the first scene in the movie “BREAKING”. By purchasing the NFT Movie token of this frame of the first scene of the…May 1, 2023May 1, 2023
The Future of Film-Making in MovieLand DAO with AI Movie.Gone are the days when creating a movie meant long hours, endless script revisions, and a hefty budget. Welcome to the future, where the…Feb 18, 2023Feb 18, 2023
The Future of Film-Making: Welcome to the CINEMADROM Metaverse Web3!Have you ever dreamt of watching a movie in a virtual world, where you can interact with characters, explore different environments and…Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Any user can buy land in “MovieLand.City” and create their own VR/AR business.For which businesses is “MovieLand” DAO created?Mar 24, 2022Mar 24, 2022
🔥The CINEMADROM create a new Meta Universe for a Cinematography.🔥The “Meta Movie Universe CINEMADROM” is necessary for a filmmakers and a filmgoers alike and for all users involved in the media industry…Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
In “MovieLand” DAO everyone gets INCOME!Now the Cinemadrom project has taken a course towards maximum decentralization. According to a survey of our users, it turned out that the…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022