DCOMIX.com Platform and SteemPress..

Cing Crypto
3 min readJul 25, 2019


DCOMIX.com platform is now active online with the open source SteemPress plugin

Here, at Dcomix, our mission is to help you create your own comics and earn from it. So creating your webcomics with Dcomix is vital to your monetary needs and, through SteemPress, it’s now possible to connect them all to the Steem ecosystem. These innovations are great motivators too for bloggers and artists to invest in.

As with any users of Steemit, investment is key. It would be a good practice to set aside time, perhaps three times a week (MWF/TThS), to create your comics and showcase them on DCOMIX platform.

The Dcomix Team is here to assist you with what you hope to achieve with your webcomics in the near future. We will be your friends and, through collaboration, we can work wonders. Think of Dcomix as a multiverse — you have your own world with your own characters — but you can cross over to other worlds and follow your fave comics creators too.

This is a very significant aspect of running any webcomic site. As previously stated in Dcomix’s About Page, each user can upload comics on a webspace with its own URL.

Main URL: dcomix.com
Your webcomics URL: dcomix.com/yourwebcomicstitle

In fact, any Dcomix webcomic creator is able to use a WordPress template and add SteemPress plugin. That said, your published Dcomix content will also be posted on your Steemit blog.

Source: wordpress.org/plugins/steempress/

When it comes to innovation, a general rule of thumb is to try out ideas without being afraid of risks. And when you invest on webcomic creators with Dcomix, it’s important to believe in their creativity and value their intangible assets [vision, intellectual property (IP), motivation, etc].

Try DCOMIX.com with SteemPress today and help create a multiverse conducive to a Steem user’s success.

@lovebooster His experience as a social innovator and cyberian goes back many years, as a Blogger Beta tester, Wikipedia editor, Web search analyst, and many other platform content management roles. He is DCOMIX’s project founder and also Fundition’s Ambassador for Team Philippines.

Posted from Dcomix.com with #SteemPress

Sharing ♥ through Fundition…

This positive vibes is what the DCOMIX Team and #Steemit-Webcomics# group have in common. We hope that by putting up a decentralized webcomics platform, we would be able to provide you an amusing place to have a better perspective and a better life to those who want to earn from their artworks.

Fundition is helping us in this simple beginning and we are thankful for the seed fund that we are receiving. So with the crowdfunding system, join our goal to help the webcomic creators survive and grow. We look forward to your donations to provide an opportunity for hundreds of artists to earn and be featured through DCOMIX.

Be our Backer and Supporter by voting for us. Click the linked image to donate any amount…

Visit DCOMIX Domain in Discord today!

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