The Energy-Efficient Library: Oodi in Helsinki

3 min readFeb 21, 2024


When I was in Helsinki, Finland, I came upon a truly gem — Oodi.

Oodi is not the kind of place you just pass by in a city, it captivates you.

Personal archive. Photo taken in Helsinki on December 1st, 2023.

It is more than simply a library; it is a piece of architecture positioned right in the middle of Helsinki that invites you to explore its design.

Constructed with a harmonious blend of glass, steel structures, and a wooden facade, Oodi’s wave-like architecture immediately transported me back home to the iconic Copacabana mosaic and the curvaceous designs of Brazilian architect Oscar Niemayer.

Sustainable Architecture in Finland: Oodi’s Eco-Friendly Design

In Finland, the interior design takes a more minimalist and aesthetic approach.

The country’s pioneer of modern architecture is Alvar Aalto, who left a legacy of blending functional and organic forms, shaping contemporary design and inspiring a harmonious balance with nature.

But what struck me more than its architectural was Oodi’s commitment to sustainability.

The decision to use Finnish spruce for the library’s facade reflects a growing trend in the construction industry — an emphasis on ecological, local, and energy-efficient materials.

Personal archive. Photo taken in Helsinki on December 1st, 2023.

The library stands as a testament to Finland’s shift towards environmentally aware and globally recognized architecture.

In the face of climate change, Finland, being the most densely forested country in Europe, embraces wood construction and design.

The library follows passive energy principles, achieving near Zero Energy Building status, setting a benchmark for energy-efficient structures.

Oodi’s Architecture and Amenities

Stepping inside, Oodi unfolds into three distinctive levels, each with its unique atmosphere.

The ground floor buzzes with activity, housing a spacious lobby, public facilities, event venues, library services, and a cozy café.

The second floor transforms into a hub for work, activities, and learning, offering studios, game rooms, and urban workshops.

The third floor, aptly named Book Heaven, provides a serene escape with reading oases, cafes, and a Citizens’ Balcony showcasing Helsinki’s urban landscape.

Artistic Expression at Oodi

Connecting these floors is an artistic expression in the form of a spiral staircase.

Otto Karvonen’s installation, the staircase is called ‘Dedication,’ and symbolizes the library’s inclusivity, reminding us that it belongs to everyone.

Spiral black staircase with dedications written on its walls
Personal archive. Photo taken in Helsinki on December 1st, 2023.

The Dedications, chosen through a public campaign, highlight the library’s commitment to basic human rights, making it a space for everyone, regardless of background or status.

Oodi’s role extends beyond being just a library. It was made with the suggestions of locals, but it is also actively engaged with, tourists, serving as a starting point for exploring libraries in Finland.

Finnish Love for Books

Finland’s deep-rooted love for books is evident in its library statistics.

With approximately 40 percent of citizens actively using library services, Finns borrow books regularly, showcasing their literary prowess.

The library’s role goes beyond lending; it actively supports writers through grants, embodying the Finnish tradition of being a nation of book lovers.

As I immersed myself in Oodi’s ambiance, I couldn’t help but appreciate how it reflects Finland’s dynamic architectural evolution, from the days of Alvar Aalto to the present. Oodi stands not just as a library but as a symbol of Finland’s commitment to sustainability, literature, and inclusivity in the world of architecture.




[✨100% FOLLOW BACK!✨] Brazilian. Writing about Sustainability. Based in Sweden.