Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
3 min readSep 15, 2018


Harrison Ford Has Defected to the Dark Side

I love Harrison Ford for his breakout role in Star Wars (though he later detested playing Hans Solo supposedly because it pigeon-holed him for life). But I used to wonder why actors get employed as spokesmen for science and wars. At the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, Mr. Ford told his audience, “Stop giving power to people who don’t believe in science, or worse than that, pretend they don’t believe in science.” Now I see actors are effective at word-smithing and appealing to emotions; truth-telling isn’t required in their specialty.

The First Rule of Propaganda: use positive words without defining your terms precisely. Here Harrison Ford substitutes “science” (a generally positive word) in place of a “political agenda to increase your taxes on a promise of mitigating man-caused global warming”.

The concept that man controls weather is completely mythical considering the biggest factor of climate on Earth is solar activity like sunspots and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). This predatory political agenda has been falsified by the data to the point that the activists slyly dropped “global warming” and adopted the ambiguous slogan “climate change” instead. Rigorous science is not built on slogans or poorly defined terms.

For a scientific documentation of climate hoaxes, frauds and failed predictions, browse…



Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

Christian Author of 5 books (“From Buddha to Jesus” “Divine Code Vol 1 & 2”), YouTuber with 270K subs, Traveller to 40+ countries, Pastor of