Top 10 Christian YouTubers — The Best Channels Ranked by Subscription & View Count

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
7 min readSep 21, 2018


YouTube started in 2005. By 2010, most of the top Christian YouTubers on this Top 10 list had already started their channel. The veteran appears to be JD Farag, who started back in the digital ancient times — 2008.

When I searched for “top Christian Youtubers”, to see what was happening lately on the Christian scene, I found Google was bringing up mostly irrelevant results. It gave me too many click-baits showing unknown Christian channels with less than 1000 subscribers and other “awesome Christian” Youtubers. Seriously.

I was expecting to discover the best YouTube channels ranked by objective parameters like subscribers or view counts, not a blogger’s theological slant or her relationship with a former Bible School classmate, Instagram friend or previous pastor. Among the “off-the-mark” recommendations were churches attempting to live like “first-century Christians” in the Book of Acts. I really have much respect for traditional Christians, but I wasn’t searching for “traditional” YouTubers. I’d like to know which Christian voices are attracting the most audiences.

So here is my list of Top 10 Christian YouTubers who are making a huge impact. If I missed anyone, it’s not intentional. Please don’t feel slighted. Do suggest them (or yourself) in the comments. Also by being listed in the Top 10, it does not mean I watch them, follow them, like them or endorse them. It simply means a lot of viewers watch them. No one with under 150K subscribers qualified. At the end of this list, I offer my preliminary comments on why few pastors of megachurches made the cut.

#1 The Bible Project
Total subscribers: 1 million (as of this date, for this count and the rest)
Total views: 72 million

The Bible Project surpasses 1 million subs — Congrats!

Description: By far the runaway success of Christian channels on YouTube, by measure of subscribers (and you know all creators count the number of their subscribers! They even have clocks for that kind of stuff.) The Bible Project is the first Christian channel to hit 1 million subs. Co-founders Tim Mackie & Jon Collins celebrated their accomplishment in September 2018. Their mission: “we make animated videos that explore the books and themes of the Bible.”

#2 Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!
Total subscribers: 573,700
Total views: 102 million

Sid Roth at his North Carolina studio

Sid Roth is a Jew who believes in Jesus, aka Messianic Jew. As one of God’s chosen people, Sid certainly has the favor of the LORD. He is the most watched Christian on YouTube.

Even though he has about half the number of subscribers of The Bible Project, he is the first Christian YouTuber to surpass 100 million views. My wife and I had the privilege to meet Sid, enjoy lunch with him, then sit on the front row during one of his recordings. Sid has one of the most professional ministry teams on the planet. Sid is known for interviewing Christians who have supernatural encounters, dreams and visions. His content is always pro-Israel.

#3 BPEarthwatch
Total subscribers: 385,000
Total views: 106 million

BPEarthwatch often watches the Earth

BPEarthwatch never shows his face, which may be just as well, as he probably gets fewer trolls that way. He has less subscribers than Sid Roth, but actually has more views at 106 million. If Sid is the most watched, BPEarthwatch is the most listened to Christian on YouTube. His channel is “dedicated to watching the end time events that lead to the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ: comets, asteroids, earthquakes, solar flares and the end time powers.”

#4 Lisa Haven
Total subscribers: 347,800
Total views: 77 million

Lisa Haven bringing your news you don’t hear on MSM

Lisa Haven describes herself as an “Alternative Media News Reporter, Radio Show Host, and Conference Speaker.” Her channel covers the news and “topics that many people fail to discuss” including corruption, the New World Order, the economy, prophecies, transhumanism, UFO and the Nephilim.

#5 Paul Begley
Total subscribers: 274,500
Total views: 172 million

WHAT? Are you serious? Paul Begley

“Are you serious?” Pastor Paul Begley is a pastor from Indiana who delivers current events on virtually a daily basis, and shares how they relate to the Bible. Are you serious?

#6 Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries
Total subscribers: 278,000
Total views: 40 million

Steve Cioccolanti is mentoring people to be Christian online and offline. Join Discover Church Online!

Steve Cioccolanti has a vision of creating clean social media and propagating Christian content uncensored. He has been a strong proponent of Donald Trump, free speech, and religious rights. He proposed in an Open Letter to the US President a comprehensive plan to break up the tech giants’ monopoly, give users control over their data, and create a Digital Bill of Rights.

Since 2000, he serves as senior pastor of Discover Church in Melbourne, Australia. His YouTube channel started in 2010, but broke out in 2012 when he correctly correlated many signs of the end times to the natural and man-made disasters which escalated since the Arab Spring of 2010 till now. He has traveled to over 40 countries and leads tours to Israel & Jordan as a Biblical guide. In 2017, he pioneered Christian mentoring on Patreon, where he hosts Discover Church Online, a network of like-minded disciples converting what they learn into massive action for the Kingdom of Christ. Join Discover Church Online, where you can have church anywhere, any time.

Pastor Steve’s Facebook. Read his books.

#7 Lyn Leahz
Subscribers: 173,300
Total views: 50 million

Lyn Leahz describes herself as an “alternative media news reporter, radio show host, and author of Christian fiction”. She has a strong following among those interested in prophecy and end-times. Her program covers other subjects such as spiritual warfare, personal and national repentance, as well as breaking news. In 2018, Lyn replaced Dr. Kevin Clarkson as host of “Prophecy in the News,” a smaller YouTube channel with 54K subs.

#8 Heather Lindsey
Subscribers: 142,500
Total views: 8.2 million

Heather Lindsey makes a Pinky Promise

Heather Lindsey is the Founder & CEO of Pinky Promise, an organization which promotes sexual purity in Christian dating and marriage. She says her channel is “all about Jesus, all things girly, preaching and my favorite products”. You will find videos on subjects such as pregnancy tips, singlehood, diet, Pinky Promise, and dealing with emotions.

#9 Perry Stone
Subscribers: 124,000
Total views: 15 million

Perry Stone on Manna Fest TV program

Perry Stone is a fourth generation minister of the Gospel and director of Voice of Evangelism based in Cleveland, Tennessee. He started preaching at the age of 16 and is the only “Christian royalty” on this Top 10 list. He is an established Christian circuit speaker and television personality on networks like Daystar. His television program Manna Fest launched in 2000.

Perry’s YouTube channel is basically a re-upload of Manna Fest; normally traditional TV doesn’t count as a bona fide “YouTuber”. But Perry often ministers outside of church, on location in Israel, so he mixes it up like one would expect of a YouTuber.

#10 JD Farag
Subscribers: 103,000
Total views: 21.6 million

J.D. Farag interrupts his regular church service for an important Bible Prophecy Update

J.D. Farag is pastor of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe in Hawaii. Born in Beirut Lebanon to an Egyptian father and Palestinian mother, Pastor J.D. loves Israel and offers a unique Arab perspective concerning Bible prophecy. He makes the cut in my Top 10 because even though others have more subs, he has more views. In fact, his channel has spikes in views every time he uploads a video with the simple title “Bible Prophecy Update — [Month, Day, Year]”. His church sermons attract about 1000 views each, whereas his prophecy updates easily attract 100K. It is a phenomenon on YouTube.

Strangely enough, megachurches did not make the cut. Most simply did not have enough subscribers or views. For the few that did, they were merely airing their Sunday services and there was no social aspect to their channel whatsoever. Young people do not consider this kind of upload with zero engagement “social media”.

I will write another article about “Why Christians Fail On Social Media”, not to condemn, but rather to reveal tips to help fellow ministers succeed in spreading Jesus’ Message on this 21st-century platform. Stay tuned. Keep watching!



Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

Christian Author of 5 books (“From Buddha to Jesus” “Divine Code Vol 1 & 2”), YouTuber with 270K subs, Traveller to 40+ countries, Pastor of